Renārs Liepiņš

UML Style Graphical Notation and Editor for OWL 2

OWL is becoming the most widely used knowledge representation language. It has several textual notations but no standard graphical notation apart from verbose ODM UML. We propose an extension to UML class diagrams (heavyweight extension) that allows a compact OWL visualization. The compactness is achieved through the native power of UML class diagrams extended with optional Manchester encoding for class expressions thus largely eliminating the need for explicit anonymous class visualization. To use UML class diagram notation we had to modify its semantics to support Open World Assumption that is central to OWL. We have implemented the proposed compact visualization for OWL 2 in a UML style …

research product

Extensible Visualizations of Ontologies in OWLGrEd

OWLGrEd is a visual editor for OWL 2.0 ontologies that combines UML class diagram notation and textual OWL Manchester syntax for expressions. We review the basic OWLGrEd options for ontology presentation customization and consider the framework of OWLGrEd extensions that enables introducing rich use-case specific functionality to the editor. A number of available OWLGrEd extensions offering rich ontology management features to their end-users are described, as well.

research product

Grafisko rīku būves metamodelis un tā realizācija

Darba mērķis ir izstrādāt rīku, ar ko veidot redaktorus domēn-specifiskām grafiskām valodām. Izstrādātais risinājums sastāv no divām daļām - rīku būves metamodeļa, ar ko specificēt grafisko rīku, un metamodeļa interpretatora, kas šo specifikāciju pārvērš gatavā rīkā. Metamodelī ir apkopotas tipiskās lietas, kas jāspecificē veidojot jaunu grafisko rīku. Metamodeļa galvenā ideja ir vienā meta-līmenī glabāt gan grafiskos elementus, gan meta-informāciju par to, kā tiem jādarbojas. Interpretators ir rakstīts transformāciju valodā L0. Lietotāja saskarnēm tiek izmantoti transformāciju vadītās arhitektūras (TDA) kontekstā izstrādātie dzinēji - grafveida diagrammu dzinējs un dialoga logu dzinējs. Ar…

research product

Architecture and Language for Semantic Reduction of Domain-Specific Models in BPMS

Nowadays each business process management system (BPMS) supports either an industry standard or its own specific modeling language. But no BPMS supports a specific language for each organization. We propose an architecture for building BPMS that allows creating a domain-specific modeling language for every client easily. The main problem is to bridge the gap between the domain-specific language and the executable language. We show that we can look at this problem as a classification of the domain-specific language constructs in the terms of the executable language. To solve this problem we present a novel model transformation language, with which this type of problem can be solved more natu…

research product

DSML rīku definēšanas metodes un to realizācija

Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus

research product

Towards Self-explanatory Ontology Visualization with Contextual Verbalization

Ontologies are one of the core foundations of the Semantic Web. To participate in Semantic Web projects, domain experts need to be able to understand the ontologies involved. Visual notations can provide an overview of the ontology and help users to understand the connections among entities. However, the users first need to learn the visual notation before they can interpret it correctly. Controlled natural language representation would be readable right away and might be preferred in case of complex axioms, however, the structure of the ontology would remain less apparent. We propose to combine ontology visualizations with contextual ontology verbalizations of selected ontology (diagram) e…

research product

OWL Orthogonal Extension

It is critical for knowledge bases to capture the reality in direct and intuitive way. OWL ontology language was designed for this goal. In this paper we study the limitations of the OWL open world semantics for the task of knowledge capture and retrieval. We propose a new mechanism based on the closed world semantics that alleviates part of the limitations. Further we describe a system where both OWL and the new mechanisms interoperate together. Finally, we outline some immediate applications and further research directions.

research product

Universālā Rīku Būves Platforma un tās pielietojums aktivitāšu diagrammu redaktora izstrādē

Darbā tiek apskatīta LU Matemātikas un informātikas institūtā izstrādātās rīku būves platformas GrTP uzbūve un darbības principi. Tiek piedāvāta pieeja kā, izmantojot šo platformu, būvēt grafiskos redaktorus. Pieejas efektivitāte ir pārbaudīta, izstrādājot aktivitāšu diagrammu redaktoru.

research product

Library for model querying

Query and transformation languages make it easy to work with models, but they are bound to one particular data store. That makes them hard to adopt in projects where data is stored in a different repository, which hinders more widespread use of transformations and models. Instead of adopting a transformation language to a new data store, we propose to build a query and transformation library for the general-purpose language that is already used in a project. In this paper we demonstrate that it can be easily by implementing such a library for an EMOF-like data store in the Lua language.

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