A. Riccobono
Il saggio esamina i limiti all'utilizzo dei social network del lavoratore nel contesto della re-lazione di lavoro e nella vita privata. Nella prima parte ci si sofferma sulla questione del monitoraggio tecnologico dei dipendenti, alla luce della disciplina in tema di privacy e con-trollo a distanza dei lavoratori. Nella seconda parte l'attenzione è concentrata sulle condot-te extra lavorative e sulla loro possibile incidenza sulla relazione lavorativa. Filo condutto-re dell'analisi è la verifica degli spazi di tutela dei diritti della personalità, alla luce dell'ap-plicazione giurisprudenziale più recente. The current work examines the boundaries to the use of social networks by workers wit…
Immunophenotypical characterization of a case of pulmonary metastatic biphasic synovial sarcoma: anatomoclinical aspects and short review of literature
Il lavoro alle dipendenze della P.A. dopo la "Riforma Madia"
Il volume affronta in modo analitico e con un approccio critico le modifiche introdotte con la riforma Madia nell'ambito dei rapporti di lavoro alle dipendenze della P.A.
Il contributo esamina la speciale disciplina del lavoro a termine della p.a., alla luce del contributo interpretativo offerto dalla giurisprudenza nazionale e delle Corti superiori. L’assenza di chiarezza sul regime sanzionatorio scaturente dall’utilizzo abusivo del contratto a tempo determinato nel settore pubblico continua a suscitare contrasti giurisprudenziali e nuove ordinanze di rinvio alla Corte costituzionale e alla CGUE. Queste ultime sono state chiamate ancora una volta a verificare se la previsione di un generico diritto al risarcimento del danno e l’assenza del diritto alla conversione del rapporto (art. 36, comma 5, d.lgs. n. 165/2001), rispondano ai canoni di effettività, diss…
New digital trends in current architecture. A comprehensive critical examination
The research presented is about digital revolution in architecture, which has contributed to the birth of new figurative trends. The work was conducted through the definition of a framework to identify and classify architectural design elements that should be attributed to the methods and techniques of design computing, then applied to sixty prominent recent architectures which are acknowledged products of digital means. The early results suggest that a new era is coming, where the conceptual starting point of designers is often born in the digital space, taking advantage of the augmented representation skills to control and manipulate form. We will also do an overview of these new architec…
Active Snubber Network Design and Implementationon on the Primary Side of an Isolated Cuk Converter Realizing Soft-switching for Efficiency Improvement
Active snubber network design and implementation on the primary side of an isolated Ćuk converter realizing soft-switching for efficiency improvement
This paper describes the process of improving the efficiency of an existing isolated DC/DC converter based on CUK topology with secondary side synchronous rectification, by means of the introduction of an active snubber network on the primary side. The snubber circuit reduces to zero the switching losses during the off-time interval of secondary SR. In particular, the efficiency improvement is due to the elimination of the primary MOSFET Coss output capacitance losses, and mainly of the reverse recovery losses on the secondary SR MOSFET. However, the insertion of the active snubber creates itself additional losses in the circuit, and therefore to measure the really introduced benefit it is …
Digital expressionism: the architecture of complex shapes: multi-case analysis, classification and interpretation
The research presented is about digital revolution in architecture, due to the entry of computing in a design development, which has contributed to the birth of a new figurative trend, we can call Digital Expressionism. The work was conducted through the definition of a framework to identify and classify architectural design elements that should be attributed to the methods and techniques of design computing, then applied to sixty prominent recent buildings which are acknowledged products of digital means. The early results suggest that a new era is coming, where the conceptual starting point of designers is often born in the digital space, taking advantage of the augmented representation s…
La regulación del empleo de los inmigrantes en el Decreto Legislativo n. 286/1998: entre los problemas no resueltos y los intentos de reforma
The essay analyzes the phenomenon of migration in his role as a structural component of the Italian labor market. Despite the negative effects of the crisis, the contribution of foreign labor has to be considered as a valuable resource to restart the competitiveness of enterprises and to develop the productivity of the economic system. Through an analysis of the regulatory framework currently in force - also in the light of the most recent legislative changes – the Author highlights some of the main critical issues of discipline on immigrant labor and reports the possible paths of reform to be included in the political agenda of the new government. El ensayo analiza el fenòmeno migratorio c…