D'addelfio Giuseppina

Il "sistema 0-6" e la cura educativa del corpo. In dialogo con Maurice Merleau-Ponty

One of the major innovations introduced by Legislative Decree 65/2017 is the affirmation of the basic but not obvious principle that specific professional skills are necessary to scientifically qualify educational interventions in different areas of personal and community services. From this statement follows the recognition of the need for university qualification for childcare services. The value of such an acknowledgment is captured in all its depth if placed in the presence of the age-old social and political devaluation, which has often become invisibility, of care work. Pedagogical reflection, in particular, has long highlighted how there can be no real education without attentive lis…

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La fenomenologia come metodo di ricerca pedagogica con e per le famiglie

The aim of the paper is to present some of the specific opportunities and tools that Phenomenology, meant as a paradigm and therefore a research method, can offer the pedagogy of family relationships. First, some of the central categories of Phenomenology are described and discussed, with specific reference to Husserl and some of his first students. Below, it is explained in more detail how phenomenology can be a style of field research, also in the link with Hermeneutics. Thanks to this description, it will be highlighted that every phenomenological research design is, as such, an educational project with a specific ethical depth. Although the objective of these pages is not to present a s…

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Nuove opportunità di corresponsabilità educative tra scuola e famiglia al tempo del Covid-19.

Negli ultimi anni, sono moltissime le trasformazioni che hanno attraversato il tessuto delle relazioni familiari . Il testo evidenzia come la pandemia e le diverse crisi – sanitaria, economica, sociale, ecc. - ad essa conseguenti stanno generando ulteriori cambiamenti: un vero e proprio rivolgimento, di spazi e tempi della vita familiare, nell'inedito incrocio tra didattica a distanza dei figli e smartworking - o comunque significativi cambiamenti sul piano del lavoro - dei genitori. Ora, la durata della situazione “di emergenza” sta imponendo alle famiglie di ripensarsi in modo non solo episodico sulla base di queste nuove esigenze. E lo stesso sono chiamate a fare le scuole, prendendo att…

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Il codice epistemologico della pedagogia fondamentale

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The paper has a twofold aim. First, it intends to offer a critical review of some phenomena related to the various claims of “right to a child”. These are phenomena, that are progressively emerging in the so-called “family” realities, in our time of the late modernity, and that, in many respects, seem to be summed up in the possibility of “surrogate motherhood”. If looked at with attention not only empirically, these phenomena can tell us something really significant about the way in which both the reality of the family and, more radically, the reality of the person, are today understood. These phenomena challenge pedagogy as well as philosophy as education to deepen a reflection on meaning…

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Tema del volume la genitorialità, intesa non come fatto biologico né funzione o ruolo sociale, ma come irrevocabile responsabilità per il bene: un compito, per svolgere il quale, oggi più che mai, non ci si può basare solo sul sentire immediato e diventa preziosa un’adeguata formazione. Il paradigma di riferimento è quello fenomenologico-ermeneutico della pedagogia fondamentale: a partire dalla rassegna di alcuni tratti dell’esperienza vissuta della genitorialità, viene spiegato cosa si intenda oggi per “educazione dei genitori”; è poi presentata una ricerca che ha coinvolto più di trecento tra alunni di scuola primaria e secondaria di primo grado insieme ad alcuni dei loro genitori. Conclu…

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Spazi e tempi dell’educare tra casa e scuola: note di pedagogia fondamentale alla luce della pandemia

Among the most immediate consequences of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to rethink all the spaces of daily life and, therefore, also those of education, particularlly has emerged. The unprecedented difficulties in managing the times and spaces of educating have made it no longer possible to postpone a careful pedagogical reflection on them: from a phenomenological perspective, this means trying to describe, starting from the experiences of lived times and spaces, how much remains essential in the experience of educating between school and home before the pandemic, and what turned out to be accidental or even uneducational. In this perspective, the text launches some ideas for…

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Per-corsi di Pedagogia generale

Starting from the consideration of some of the most recurrent "emergencies" of contemporary education, the text presents articulated itineraries of reflection on education in the society of "late modernity", through the research model of the fundamental pedagogy. Indeed, general pedagogy is here understood as a specific science that assumes the primary and grounding problems of educational actions. Its characteristic feature is a "phenomenological-hermeneutic" approach that consists in analyzing the phenomena that are called "educational", with the gaze turned to grasping their essential traits. In the text a characteristic feature of contemporary education is extensively analyzed: the grea…

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Tempo pandemico e cura dei legami educativi. Note su alcuni fenomeni emergentI

Among the changes imposed by the pandemic, from the lockdown onwards, the many reorganizations of spaces and times of community, work and school life are to be stressed. The result has been unprecedented experiences of differently lived spaces and lived times that, even in the current pandemic phase, are redesigning the ways of living, working, teaching, and learning, therefore also of educating. The paper focuses on the new educational temporalities of our time, outlining some emerging phenomena. Hence the need to rethink many aspects of educational care and the sense of being community is highlighted, first of all forming new temporal and relational competences.

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