V. Varca
Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (RCC): oncological outcomes and prognostic factors in a large multicentre series.
Study Type - Outcomes (cohort) Level of Evidence 2b What's known on the subject? and What does the study add? About 80% of RCCs have clear cell histology, and consistent data are available about the clinical and histological characteristics of this histological subtype. Conversely, less attention has been dedicated to the study of non-clear cell renal tumours Specifically, published data show that chromophobe RCC (ChRCC) have often favourable pathological stages and better nuclear grades as well as a lower risk of metastasizing compared with clear cell RCC (ccRCC). Patients with ChRCC were shown to have significantly higher cancer-specific survival (CSS) probabilities compared with ccRCC. H…
Transvestibular Urethrolysis.
Bladder outlet obstruction with obstructive and irritative urinary symptoms may be a complication of surgery for female urinary incontinence. In presence of persistent symptoms the therapy is surgical and usually consists in an accurate urethrolysis. The way of approach is generally transvaginal. In this paper we propose and describe our experience with a transvestibular approach.From 1995 to 2009 18 women who had undergone anti-incontinence surgery (TVT 12 pts, TOT 3 pts, Burch retropubic colposuspension 3 pts) with obstruction and/or irritative symptoms underwent to a transvestibular urethrolysys. Five patients had urinary retention the other patients had post voiding residual urine100 ml…
Interstitial cystitis with plasma cell bladder infiltration: case report and literature review.
We report the case of a 76 ys-old woman with overactive bladder syndrome, determined by an histological exam of interstitial cystitis with plasma cell infiltration. To the best of our knowledge, in literature only a similar case has been described. The patient has been treated with corticosteroid therapy allowing a transitory benefit; despite this fact, after side effects have been shown, this therapy has been interrupted leading to the worsening of the previous sintomatology. Therefore the patient has undergone to radical cystectomy with orthotopic ileal neobladder. The phlogistic infiltration of the bladder wall is represented by the plasma cells for over 90% of the whole population. In a…