Carmen Melchor

Errores y dificultades de los futuros maestros de educación primaria al afrontar un problema de modelización asociado a la medida de magnitudes

En este trabajo se presenta un análisis cualitativo de una experiencia con estudiantes de segundo curso del Grado de Maestro/a en Educación Primaria. Concretamente, se detallan los diferentes errores conceptuales y procedimentales cometidos al resolver una tarea de modelización asociado a la medida de magnitudes. El problema presentado requiere cálculos matemáticos elementales que deberían estar consolidados en estudiantes de grado. Es la primera vez que el alumnado aborda una propuesta de este tipo y, aunque la modelización matemática se ha demostrado como un elemento eficaz para potenciar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas, en este caso supone un obstáculo añadido. S…

research product

MAD+. Introducing Misconceptions in the Temporal Analysis of the Mathematical Modelling Process of a Fermi Problem

This work describes how the combination of the mistakes committed by a group of pre-service teachers when solving a Fermi problem, with the representation of the temporal analysis of their resolutions, can offer more in-depth information about their conceptual misconceptions regarding mathematical and modelling concepts. The combined representation allows knowing when mistakes occur and provides a powerful tool for instructors to adapt the teaching–learning processes of mathematics at all levels of education. Our study is based on a recent categorisation of students’ mistakes, together with the creation of a new representation tool, called MAD+, that can combine all this information. The ma…

research product

Powers of conjugacy classes in a finite groups

[EN] The aim of this paper is to show how the number of conjugacy classes appearing in the product of classes affect the structure of a finite group. The aim of this paper was to show several results about solvability concerning the case in which the power of a conjugacy class is a union of one or two conjugacy classes. Moreover, we show that the above conditions can be determined through the character table of the group.

research product

Some problems about products of conjugacy classes in finite groups

[EN] We summarize several results about non-simplicity, solvability and normal structure of finite groups related to the number of conjugacy classes appearing in the product or the power of conjugacy classes. We also collect some problems that have only been partially solved.

research product