At Pagan Domenech
Comparison between different techniques for volatiles analyses in coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.).
Modifications over time of volatile compounds in coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.)
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) is an annual strongly-smelling herb belonging to the family Apiaceae, which is cultivated all over the world for its aromatic fruits (“seeds”) and, in many Asiatic and South American countries, for its green leaves. The aromatic features of leaves and fruits are sharply different, and the strong smell coming from leaves (many times referred to as a “bug” scent) is not always pleasant to many consumers from western countries. In our work, one Coriander small-seeded biotype has been grown in plastic covered greenhouses, and at given time intervals samples of leaves, flowers and fruits have been analyzed by means of HS-SPME and GC-MS to study the evolution ove…
Comparison between Different Techniques for Volatiles Analyses in Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.)
Although many papers have been devoted to the study of Coriander fruits aromatic pattern, many differences show up according not only to the provenience of seeds, but also to the analytical methods chosen. In our work, samples from one Coriander small-seeded biotype has been analysed, verifying the differences between (1) the oil extracted by means of a Soxhlet apparatus (2) the same oil sampled by means of HS-SPME and (3) the HS-SPME on the roughly ground seeds, all analysed by direct injection in the GC-MS. The volatile composition detected by means of HS-SPME on oil resembles tightly that performed on Soxhlet extract. With respect to the direct injection, the HS-SPME shows a higher sensi…