J. Peralta Nieto
Prevalencia en nuestro medio de las deformidades dinámicas posicionales del hallux como secuela de las fracturas de tercio medio y distal de tibia
Dynamic positional deformity of the hallux is a relatively new disease, precisely because of its innovative nature and dynamics may go unnoticed to clinicians. It is because of this, that the limited literature available stresses the importance of making an active search for this pathology in our daily practice. The purpose of this study is to estimate the prevalence of these deformities at the University Hospital Dr. Peset of Valencia as well as make an analysis of their management. An analytical, descriptive and retrospective study was designed in which patients admitted in our center during 2014 and 2015 with medium and distal third tibia fracture were analyzed searching for dynamics pos…
Lipoma intraóseo, un tumor óseo benigno infrecuente : presentación de dos casos intervenidos quirúrgicamente y revisión de la literatura
Intraosseous lipomas are rare and benign tumors of unclear etiology. Most of them are asymptomatic, being accidentally diagnosed during imaging tests performed for other reasons and they usually have unspecific clinical presentations. Radiographically, they can be confused with other entities as non-ossifying fibromas or simple cysts. Methods. We report two cases, a 39-year-old and a 25-year-old Caucasian female patients, referred to our hospital with a mass in the proximal third of the right tibia and distal femur respectively with slowly progressive growth. In conventional X-ray images and computed tomography, a well-defined, expansive intraosseous lytic lesion without cortical disruption…
Fibromatosis palmar infantil: a propósito de un caso
Presentamos como caso clínico, una fibromatosis palmar infantil, complicada con un granuloma piógeno. Ambas entidades, aunque si bien se comportan con una elevada agresividad local, tienen un compor - tamiento benigno, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, siempre que no se trate de la expresión externa de una entidad de mayor gravedad denominada miofibromatosis infantil. Describimos el caso y el seguimiento del paciente, destacando que dentro de un diagnóstico anatomopatológico, de escasa especificidad, es crucial un diagnóstico clínico de mayor envergadura para descartar lesiones de otras localizaciones que pueden poner en peligro la vida del mismo. We present a case of palmar fibromatosis comp…