Giuliano Bellieni
Proterozoic dykes of Salvador and Ilhéus-Olivença areas: a geological geoghemical comparison
Evidence of magmatic activity related to Middle Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous rifting from northeastern Brazil (Ceará-Mirim): K/Ar age, palaeomagnetism, petrology and Sr/1bNd isotope characteristics
The Mesozoic magmatic activity in the easternmost part of NE Brazil (Ceara-Mirim) is mainly represented by two-pyroxene tholeiitic dykes; only few dykes have alkaline character. K/Ar ages and palaeomagnetism data indicate that Ceara-Mirim dykes are of Middle Jurassic (175-160 Ma) and Early Cretaceous (140-130 Ma) age. Both Middle Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous dykes have high incompatible-element concentrations and TiO2 with the lower contents generally confined to the Middle Jurassic dykes; rare tholeiitic dykes low in TiO2 and incompatible elements are present. Sr/1bNd isotopic and other chemical data do not support appreciable crustal contamination and in a 87Sr86Sr vs. 143Nd144Nd diagram…
Lower Cretaceous tholeiitic dyke swarms from the Ponta Grossa Arch (southeast Brazil): Petrology, Sr-Nd isotopes and genetic relationships with the Paraná flood volcanics
The Lower Cretaceous dykes of the Ponta Grossa Arch, the most important dyke swarms in Brazil, are associated with the flood basalts and rare acid flows of the northern Parana basin. The Ponta Grossa (PG) dykes are formed by two-pyroxene tholeiites and rare acid rocks. The basaltic dykes may be distinguished into two main groups: a dominant, high-TiO2 (> 2 wt.%; HTi) group and a subordinate, low-TiO2 (< 2 wt.%; LTi) group, characterized, for similar MgO content, by high and low incompatible-element contents, respectively. Most PG dykes do not show chemical and isotope evidence supporting important crustal contamination. PG dykes with (87Sr86Sr)0 < 0.7060 plot in the mantle array (ϵSr ≈ + 17…
Mesozoic mafic dyke swarm from Rio Ceará-Mirim (northeast Brazil)
Preliminary petrographic and geochemical considerations on the precambrian mafic dykes of the Ilhéus-Olivença area, Bahia
La/Nb variation in Proterozoic and Mesozoic mafic dyke swarms in Brazil
Tholeiitic dyke swarm from the Ponta Grossa Arch and genetic relationships to the Paraná flood volcanics (Brazil)
Mafic dykes of Salvador (State of Bahia, Brazil): geological and petrological characteristics
Potassic dyke swarm in the Sapucai Graben, Eastern Paraguay: Petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical outlines.
Abstract The western side of the Parana Basin of Brazil extends to central Paraguay, where repeated and widespread magmatic activity developed from Lower Cretaceous to Oligocene, associated with late Mesozoic crustal extension trending NE-SW. In central Paraguay this trend is characterized by a zone of NW-SE normal faults which formed the Asuncion-Sapucai graben, up to 45 km wide and 200 km long, where alkaline rocks occur as volcanic domes, complexes, lava-flows and dykes. These rocks, 128 Ma aged, are dominantly potassic and ne-normative. A swarm of at least 200, mainley NW-SE trending, dykes occurs in the Sapucai region and seems to be formed by two main lineages: tephrite to phonolite (…