Y. Rouault
Phase separation of symmetrical polymer mixtures in thin-film geometry
Monte Carlo simulations of the bond fluctuation model of symmetrical polymer blends confined between two “neutral” repulsive walls are presented for chain lengthNA=NB=32 and a wide range of film thicknessD (fromD=8 toD=48 in units of the lattice spacing). The critical temperaturesTc(D) of unmixing are located by finite-size scaling methods, and it is shown that\(T_c (\infty ) - T_c (D) \propto D^{ - {1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {v_3 }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {v_3 }}} \), wherev3≈0.63 is the correlation length exponent of the three-dimensional Ising model universality class. Contrary to this result, it is argued that the critical behavior of the films is ruled by two-dimensi…
Comb-Branched Polymers: Monte Carlo Simulation and Scaling
The Monte Carlo simulation technique (the bond fluctuation model) has been used for the study of the equilibrium conformations of comb-branched polymers consisting of a long flexible main chain and side chains grafted at a regular separation onto the main chain. The solvent has been supposed to be good (athermal) for the main and side chains. The global conformation and the gyration radius of the polymer, as well as the local conformational structure of the comb, have been analyzed as functions of the length of the side chains and spacers. The effect of induced rigidity of the comb due to the interaction between side chains has been observed. We have found the results of the simulation to b…
A Monte Carlo study of diffusion in "living polymers"
We report the first numeric experiments on diffusion in living polymers (polymers that can break and recombine reversibly, and are characterized by an exponential molecular weight distribution). In the simulation we use a modification of the bond fluctuation model which is known to reproduce the correct Rouse dynamics of polymer chains. The diffusion coefficient D reveals a Rouse-type behaviour D ∝ 1/L, where L is the average chain length of the polydisperse system. We also find a D ∝ exp [ − V/2kBT] dependence on the bond energy V, whereas at constant temperature the diffusion coefficient turns out to be inversely proportional, D ∝ ρ−1, to the monomer density of the system ρ in agreement w…