Mervi Koivulahti-ojala
On UML modeling tool evaluation, use and training
Unified Modeling Language™ (UML) is an international standard for systems modeling. UML is used for modeling requirements, architecture, detailed design, and software code generation. UML modeling tools offer graphical editors for UML model development, generating software from UML models, creating UML models from the software, and supporting collaborative model development. This thesis offers new knowledge about UML modeling tool use, evaluation, and training. The main research question is: How can a globally distributed product company where UML modeling activities are scattered across different locations and countries implement a UML modeling tool? Five studies comprise the research proc…
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Virtual Meeting Tool-Based Innovation for UML Technology Training in Global Organizations
End-user training is complicated to implement in global corporations whose activities are typically scattered across multiple sites in different countries and leverage information systems in various ways. This is especially true in global software development where the sites may leverage a development tool for totally different purposes. Web-based Virtual Meeting Tools (VMT) enable synchronous communication globally through interactive audio, online chats, video, and the sharing of presentations. They provide potentially a cost effective way to train even complex topics to large numbers of people in global settings. Few industrial experiences from the design and use of VMT-based training in…
An information systems design product theory for the class of integrated requirements and release management systems
High-tech companies conducting product development need to collect and analyze requirements effectively, plan and implement releases, and allocate requirements to appropriate releases. Requirements and release management are complicated because development activities typically are scattered across multiple sites, involve multiple partners in different countries, leverage various development methods and tools, and are realized through various organizational arrangements such as release projects in organizations structured around products and permanent release teams in organizations responsible for the long-term development and maintenance of strategic software and hardware assets. Flexible, …
An Information Systems Design Theory for Integrated Requirements and Release Management Systems
High-tech companies need to collect and analy- ze requirements and allocate them to appropriate product releases in market-driven product development. Develop- ment activities are typically scattered across multiple sites and involve multiple partners in different countries, complicating requirements and release management. Fle- xible, scalable, and secure groupware-based support for the activities provides substantial payoffs. Yet, the extant literature provides little theoretical guidance for designing and using requirements and release management systems in multi-site, multi-partner environments. This article de- velops the meta-requirements and a meta-design of an Information Systems De…
Framework for Evaluating the Version Management Capabilities of a Class of UML Modeling Tools from the Viewpoint of Multi-Site, Multi-Partner Product Line Organizations
UML models are widely used in software product line engineering for activities such as modeling the software product line reference architecture, detailed design, and automation of software code generation and testing. But in high-tech companies, modeling activities are typically distributed across multiple sites and involve multiple partners in different countries, thus complicating model management. Today's UML modeling tools support sophisticated version management for managing parallel and distributed modeling. However, the literature does not provide a comprehensive set of industrial-level criteria to evaluate the version management capabilities of UML tools. This article's contributio…