We review the differential diagnosis and treatment of retrovesical masses in men.During the last 8 years 21 male patients 3 to 79 years old (mean age 47.1) presented with symptoms or signs of a retrovesical mass. Clinical features and diagnostic findings were reviewed, and related to surgical and histopathological findings.The retrovesical masses included prostatic utricle cyst in 3 cases, prostatic abscess in 1, seminal vesicle hydrops in 6, seminal vesicle cyst in 2, seminal vesicle empyema in 3, large ectopic ureterocele in 1, myxoid liposarcoma in 1, malignant fibrous histiocytoma in 1, fibrous fossa obturatoria cyst in 1, hemangiopericytoma in 1 and leiomyosarcoma in 1. In 17 patients …