Federico Rapuano

Light Quenched Hadron Spectrum and Decay Constants on different Lattices

In this paper we study O(2000) (quenched) lattice configurations from the APE collaboration, for different lattice volumes and for 6.0 \le beta \le 6.4 using both the Wilson and the SW-Clover fermion actions. We determine the light hadronic spectrum and meson decay constants and study the mesonic dispersion relation. We extract the hadronic variable J and the strange quark mass in the continuum at the next-to-leading order obtaining m_s^{MSbar}(mu=2 GeV) = 122 +/- 20 MeV. A study is made of their dependence on lattice spacing. We implement a newly developed technique to extract the inverse lattice spacing using data at the simulated values of the quark mass (i.e. at masses around the strang…

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Quark masses and the chiral condensate with a non-perturbative renormalization procedure

We determine the quark masses and the chiral condensate in the MSbar scheme at NNLO from Lattice QCD in the quenched approximation at beta=6.0, beta=6.2 and beta=6.4 using both the Wilson and the tree-level improved SW-Clover fermion action. We extract these quantities using the Vector and the Axial Ward Identities and non-perturbative values of the renormalization constants. We compare the results obtained with the two methods and we study the O(a) dependence of the quark masses for both actions.

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Nonperturbative renormalization of quark bilinears

We compute non-perturbatively the renormalization constants of quark bilinears on the lattice in the quenched approximation at three values of the coupling beta=6/g_0^2=6.0,6.2,6.4 using both the Wilson and the tree-level improved SW-Clover fermion action. We perform a Renormalization Group analysis at the next-to-next-to-leading order and compute Renormalization Group invariant values for the constants. The results are applied to obtain a fully non-perturbative estimate of the vector and pseudoscalar decay constants.

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NNLO Unquenched Calculation of the b Quark Mass

By combining the first unquenched lattice computation of the B-meson binding energy and the two-loop contribution to the lattice HQET residual mass, we determine the (\bar{{MS}}) (b)-quark mass, (\bar{m}_{b}(\bar{m}_{b})). The inclusion of the two-loop corrections is essential to extract (\bar{m}_{b}(\bar{m}_{b})) with a precision of ({\cal O}(\Lambda^{2}_{QCD}/m_{b})), which is the uncertainty due to the renormalon singularities in the perturbative series of the residual mass. Our best estimate is (\bar{m}_{b}(\bar{m}_{b}) = (4.26 \pm 0.09) {\rm GeV}), where we have combined the different errors in quadrature. A detailed discussion of the systematic errors contributing to the final number …

research product

Lattice quark masses: a non-perturbative measurement

We discuss the renormalization of different definitions of quark masses in the Wilson and the tree-level improved SW-Clover fermionic action. For the improved case we give the correct relationship between the quark mass and the hopping parameter. Using perturbative and non-perturbative renormalization constants, we extract quark masses in the $\MSbar$ scheme from Lattice QCD in the quenched approximation at $\beta=6.0$, $\beta=6.2$ and $\beta=6.4$ for both actions. We find: $\bar{m}^{\MSbar}(2 GeV)=5.7 \pm 0.1 \pm 0.8$ MeV, $m_s^{\MSbar}(2GeV)= 130 \pm 2 \pm 18 $ MeV and $m_c^{\MSbar}(2 GeV) = 1662\pm 30\pm 230$ MeV.

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