Effects of Terbuthylazine on Soil Fauna and Decomposition Processes
Abstract Acute lethal and sublethal effects of terbuthylazine and the commercial herbicide preparation Gardoprim [terbuthylazine is the active ingredient (a.i.)] on soil organisms (microbes, oppioid mites, two gamasid mite species, enchytraeids, and nematodes) were studied. In the humus soil terbuthylazine had no toxic effects on soil animals tested. However, the herbicide preparation had acute toxic effects on enchytraeids [no-observed-effect level (NOEL) 1.0 g a.i./m 2 ] and both gamasid mites (NOEL 2.4 and 5.0 g a.i./m 2 ). According to filter paper test, the LC 50 value for oppioid mites was 14.5 g a.i./m 2 . In the humus soil the commercial preparation caused no dose-related mortality …