Tomi Lahtinen

Monitoring human parvovirus B19 virus-like particles and antibody complexes in solution by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy

AbstractFluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) was used in monitoring human parvovirus B19 virus-like particle (VLP) antibody complexes from acute phase and pastimmunity serum samples. The Oregon Green 488-labeled VLPs gave an average diffusion coefficient of 1.7x10exp-7 cm(2)s(-1) with an apparent hydrodynamic radius of 14 nm. After incubation of the fluorescent VLPs with an acute phase serum sample, the mobility information obtained from the fluorescence intensity fluctuation by autocorrelation analysis showed an average diffusion coefficient of 1.5x10exp-8 cm(2)s(-1), corresponding to an average radius of 157 nm. In contrast, incubation of the fluorescent VLPs with a pastimmunity se…

research product

Hydrophobin (HFBI): a potential fusion partner for one-step purification of recombinant proteins from insect cells

Hydrophobins play an important role in binding and assembly of fungal surface structures as well as in medium-air interactions. These, hydrophobic properties provide interesting possibilities when purification of macromolecules is concerned. In aqueous micellar two-phase systems, based on surfactants, the water soluble hydrophobins are concentrated inside micellar structures and, thus, distributed to defined aqueous phases. This, one-step purification is attractive particularly when large-scale production of recombinant proteins is concerned. In the present study the hydrophobin HFBI of Trichoderma reesei was expressed as an N-terminal fusion with chicken avidin in baculovirus infected inse…

research product

Liikunnanopettajien fyysinen aktiivisuus

Lahtinen, Tomi & Lievonen, Matti 2011. Liikunnanopettajien fyysinen aktiivisuus. Jyväskylän yliopisto. Liikuntapedagogiikan pro gradu – tutkielma. 93 s. TNS Gallup Oy:n (2005) teettämän Kansallisen liikuntatutkimuksen mukaan suomalaisista 32 % liikkuu terveysliikuntasuosituksiin nähden riittävästi. Vastaavasti liian vähän liikkuvia on 2.8 miljoonaa suomalaista. Suomessa liikunnanopettajien fyysistä aktiivisuutta ei ole aikaisemmin tutkittu. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, liikkuvatko liikun-nanopettajat riittävästi terveysliikuntasuositusten kannalta, miten työmatkat kuljetaan ja kuinka fyysisesti rasittavaa on liikunnanopettajien työ. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin harkinnanvarais…

research product

Down-Regulation of Ku Autoantigen, DNA-Dependent Protein Kinase, and Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase during Cellular Senescence

During aging and cellular senescence mutations accumulate in genomic and mitochondrial DNA. Ku autoantigens, DNA-dependent protein kinase, and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase have an essential role in DNA damage recognition. Our purpose was to find out whether cellular senescence of fibroblasts affects the protein components that recognize DNA damage and induce the repair process. We compared presenescent and replicatively senescent human WI-38 fibroblasts with each other and with SV-40 immortalized and serum-deficient quiescent WI-38 cells. Our results showed that replicative senescence significantly decreased the nuclear level of both p70 and p86 components of Ku autoantigen. SV-40 immortali…

research product