A. Hasselhuhn
3-Loop Heavy Flavor Corrections in Deep-Inelastic Scattering with Two Heavy Quark Lines
We consider gluonic contributions to the heavy flavor Wilson coefficients at 3-loop order in QCD with two heavy quark lines in the asymptotic region $Q^2 \gg m_{1(2)}^2$. Here we report on the complete result in the case of two equal masses $m_1 = m_2$ for the massive operator matrix element $A_{gg,Q}^{(3)}$, which contributes to the corresponding heavy flavor transition matrix element in the variable flavor number scheme. Nested finite binomial sums and iterated integrals over square-root valued alphabets emerge in the result for this quantity in $N$ and $x$-space, respectively. We also present results for the case of two unequal masses for the flavor non-singlet OMEs and on the scalar int…
Recent progress on the calculation of three-loop heavy flavor Wilson coefficients in deep-inelastic scattering
We report on our latest results in the calculation of the three-loop heavy flavor contributions to the Wilson coefficients in deep-inelastic scattering in the asymptotic region $Q^2 \gg m^2$. We discuss the different methods used to compute the required operator matrix elements and the corresponding Feynman integrals. These methods very recently allowed us to obtain a series of new operator matrix elements and Wilson coefficients like the flavor non-singlet and pure singlet Wilson coefficients.