Jukka Salminen

Empowering citizens for well-being and chronic disease management with wellness diary.

Chronic conditions closely related to lifestyles are the major cause of disability and death in the developed world. Behavior change is the key to managing well-being and preventing and managing chronic diseases. Wellness diary (WD) is a mobile application designed to support citizens in learning about their behavior, and both making and maintaining behavior changes. WD has been found acceptable, useful, and suitable for long-term use as a part of an intervention. When used independently, however, it does not seem to have enough engaging and motivating features to support adoption and long-term commitment. The main improvement needs identified based on a review of WD-related studies were: p…

research product

Personal health promotion through personalized health technologies — Nuadu experience

Poor lifestyles — overweight, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, sleep deprivation, and stress — are significant risk factors to chronic illnesses, which cause majority of the health care costs. Hence, behavioral change towards healthy lifestyles is one of the keys to health care cost containment. Personal health systems (PHS) offer tools to support behavioral change. As health risks, personal needs and preferences vary from an individual to another, personalization of the PHS is needed. In Nuadu project we have developed a PHS integrating several different personal health technologies. This system was studied in a large (N=354) randomized controlled trial where employees with several hea…

research product

A Concept for ICT Assisted Health Promotion in the Occupational Healthcare

Lifestyle related health risks, such as overweight, work stress, and physical inactivity, have become pervasive in most modern societies. These risk factors have a debilitating impact on the well being of citizens and play a major role in the onset of many chronic diseases. As a result, working life is affected due to impaired work ability, decreased productivity, absenteeism, and disability pensions. Lifestyle changes are the key to managing these problems, but they are often difficult to accomplish and maintain. We present a concept for ICT (Information and Communication Technology) assisted health promotion in the occupational healthcare. ICT tools are provided for employees participatin…

research product

Use of a mobile phone diary for observing weight management and related behaviours

We studied self-observations related to weight management recorded with a Wellness Diary application on a mobile phone. The data were recorded by 27 participants in a 12-week study, which included a short weight management lecture followed by independent usage of the Wellness Diary. We studied the validity of self-observed weight, and behavioural changes and weight patterns related to weight management success. Self-observed weight data tended to underestimate pre- and poststudy measurements, but there were high correlations between the measures (r ≥ 0.80). The amount of physical activity correlated significantly with weight loss (r = 0.44) as did different measures representing healthy ch…

research product

Public Institutions as Learning Environments in Finland

Public cultural institutions in this article are understood to be a part of the built up environment. The services provided by these are available to all citizens in Finland. These include: libraries, museums, various art institutions, theatres, music institutions and science centres. The expertise of the writers of the article is based on museums and libraries as learning environments, so the content of the article will focus on them. Finland has a broad network of public libraries and museums.

research product