Richard A. Stern
Incomplete retention of radiation damage in zircon from Sri Lanka
A suite of 18 zircon gemstones from placers in the Highland/Southwestern Complex, Sri Lanka, were subjected to a comprehensive study of their radiation damages and ages. The investigation included X-ray diffraction, Raman and PL spectroscopy, electron microprobe, PIXE and HRTEM analysis, as well as (U-Th)/He and SHRIMP U-Th-Pb age determinations. Zircon samples described in this study are virtually homogeneous. They cover the range from slightly metamict to nearly amorphous. Generally concordant U-Th-Pb ages averaging 555 ± 11 Ma were obtained. Late Ordovician zircon (U-Th)/He ages scattering around 443 ± 9 Ma correspond reasonably well with previously determined biotite Rb-Sr ages for rock…
Subduction-related origin of eclogite xenoliths from the Wajrakarur kimberlite field, Eastern Dharwar craton, Southern India: Constraints from petrology and geochemistry
Abstract Major and trace elements as well as the first oxygen isotopes are reported on eclogite xenoliths from the Mesoproterozoic KL2 and P3 kimberlite pipes of the Wajrakarur kimberlite field, Eastern Dharwar craton, Southern India. Garnets in kyanite-bearing samples are rich in grossular, whereas they are predominantly pyrope-almandines in the bimineralic (kyanite-free) samples. The kyanite eclogite from the P3 pipe is more Mg-rich than those from KL2 pipe. Equilibration temperatures indicate derivation from 4.5 to 5.3 GPa and 1060 to 1220 °C for the KL2 samples and 3.6 GPa, 918 °C for the P3 sample. Garnet rare earth element patterns show two characteristic types, one with relatively lo…