In situ riboflavin fortification of different kefir-like cereal-based beverages using selected Andean LAB strains.
Cereal-based functional beverages represent social, economic, and environmental sustainable opportunities to cope with emerging trends in food consumption and global nutrition. Here we report, for the first time, the polyphasic characterization of three cereal-based kefir-like riboflavin-enriched beverages, obtained from oat, maize and barley flours, and their comparison with classical milk-based kefir. The four matrices were successfully fermented with commercial starters: i) milk-kefir and ii) water-kefir, proving the potential of cereal ingredients in the formulation of dairy-like fermented beverages with milk-kefir starter behavior better in these matrices. In the light of their potenti…
Genetic characterization of an almond germplasm collection and volatilome profiling of raw and roasted kernels
AbstractAlmond is appreciated for its nutraceutical value and for the aromatic profile of the kernels. In this work, an almond collection composed of 96 Sicilian accessions complemented with 10 widely cultivated cultivars was phenotyped for the production of volatile organic compounds using a proton-transfer time-of-flight mass spectrometer and genotyped using the Illumina Infinium®18 K Peach SNP array. The profiling of the aroma was carried out on fresh and roasted kernels enabling the detection of 150 mass peaks. Sixty eight, for the most related with sulfur compounds, furan containing compounds, and aldehydes formed by Strecker degradation, significantly increased during roasting, while …