Nina Jentoft

Arbeidsmiljøets betydning for sykepleierstudenters valg av arbeidsgiver En kvalitativ studie med søkelys på rekruttering av sykepleiere til kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester

Det er behov for at flere sykepleiere vil jobbe i kommunehelsetjenesten. En spørreundersøkelse blant tredjeårsstudenter fra et årskull i bachelorprogram sykepleie (n=101) synliggjorde arbeidsmiljø som den viktigste faktoren for valg av arbeidsgiver som nyutdannede sykepleiere. Denne artikkelen omhandler en oppfølgingsstudie, hvor hensikten var å få økt innsikt i hva sykepleierstudenter forbinder med et godt arbeidsmiljø. Studien hadde et kvalitativt design, med semistrukturerte individuelle intervjuer av 15 studenter rekruttert fra samme kull som spørreundersøkelsen. Datamaterialet ble analysert tematisk, og vi fant at studentene beskrev et godt arbeidsmiljø som spennende, støttende og leve…

research product

Managing innovation of care services: An exploration of Norwegian municipalities

AbstractThe social impact of care services provided by the public sector is significant. Nevertheless, these services have received relatively little attention from prior innovation management practices research. This paper addresses this gap by raising the question: What characterises management-driven innovation processes in public organisations providing care services? The qualitative exploration of this question is based on in-depth interviews with key managers in three Norwegian municipalities, and in-depth observation of one ongoing innovation initiative in one municipality. Our findings supplement the findings of prior research by showing that different actors are involved in differe…

research product

Against the flow in data collection: How data triangulation combined with a ‘slow’ interview technique enriches data

Capturing the voices of the ‘disadvantaged’ in society may often be difficult to achieve. In this article, we argue that the combination of data triangulation and a ‘slow’ interview technique may be a good method when the target group is vulnerable people who may find the interview challenging. Data triangulation can reveal a social phenomenon’s complexity by providing a fuller picture, while in-depth interviews and a ‘slow’ interview technique can enhance data quality. We present an alternative to what we perceive as being dominant and tacit support for use of voice recordings in interview-based studies, thus our research approach goes against the current flow in the research community. I…

research product

Innovation practices in schools: The impact of different models of organization on the practice of Norwegian municipalities

Services provided by primary schools have a significant impact on citizens’ living conditions. We need more knowledge of how innovation activities in primary schools should be organized and managed. This article addresses this gap by raising the following question: ‘Why do municipalities have different ways of organizing preventive work in primary schools and what impact do different organizational approaches have on professionals’ judgement and their decisions to call attention to children at risk, their response patterns and interdisciplinary/interagency cooperation?’ The qualitative exploration of these questions is based on in-depth interviews with head teachers and teachers in 10 Norw…

research product