How local conditions affect global banking: the case of BBVA and Santander
This paper explores why Spanish banks internationalize and why Latin America has been the main region for the international expansion of BBVA and Santander. It shows that prior to 1986 Spanish banks had a limited presence abroad, and analyses the main drivers of this initial expansion (remittances and trade connections). However, from 1986 on, there was a confluence of domestic and external factors (economic and regulatory changes in Latin America) that encouraged the international forays of BBVA and Santander. The fact that changes in the Spanish and Latin American financial sectors occurred just when other transnational banks were turning their attention to other regions created the optim…
1977: Hopes Fulfilled—Building Democracy in Turbulent Economic Times
This chapter offers an analysis of the main economic and institutional transformations in Spain from 1977 onwards. The severe economic and financial crisis that hit Spain in the mid-1970s coincided with the arrival of democracy after Franco’s death and shaped the nature and scope of the implemented reforms (Pactos de la Moncloa). While the crisis and political instability limited the possibility of making a more radical adjustment, the consensus among different social actors, unions and political parties was fundamental to the reforms. This time hopes were fulfilled and although some reforms were left pending, those that were adopted played a seminal role in putting the Spanish economy and …
The Deadly Embrace between the Banks and the State in Spain, 1850-2015
espanolEste trabajo analiza las relaciones financieras entre el sector bancario y la Hacienda publica en la Espana contemporanea. Los sistemas fiscales han sido insuficientes, generando un deficit presupuestario cronico. Este forzo una gestion irresponsable de la deuda publica hasta 1987. Ello impidio que los deficits presupuestarios pudiesen financiarse con deuda emitida en las bolsas, y obligo al Estado a recurrir a la banca (publica y privada). La evolucion de las nuevas series de las carteras de deuda publica se explica por la busqueda de rentabilidad de los bancos y por los cambios en la regulacion bancaria y la represion financiera que favorecieron al statu quo bancario. Se analizan l…