Antti Vallius
Romantiikkaa ja rationalismia. Metsätalouden kuvallinen esittäminen suomalaisissa maisemakuvajulkaisuissa
Taidetta tutkimaan : menetelmiä ja näkökulmia
Brändätty maa : Suomi 19:llä vuosisadalla, Maabrändiraportti ja This Is Finland kansakunnan näyteikkunoina
Tale(s) of a forest – re-creation of a primeval forest in three environmental narratives
We analyze three environmentally conscious works that are concerned with the state of Finnish forests: the documentary film Metsän tarina/Tale of a Forest (2012), the book with the same name (2013) and the series of short documentaries Tarinoita metsästä/Tales from the Forest (2013). By combining methods from arts research and ecology, we ask how the narratives adapt material from nature photography. The film and book present mythic stories and old Finnish beliefs about forests. They also contain references to cultural memory. Additionally, the biodiversity on display reflects a conventional practice to exhibit large or charismatic species. However, the ecological message remains only impli…
Kuvallistettu kuuluminen : valokuvahaastattelu ja visuaalinen analyysi paikkasuhteiden tutkimuksessa
Spatial belonging is understood as a multidimensional process in which pictorial representation of the environment also plays an important role. However, various intersecting discursive and personal dimensions in the relations between images, photography and spatial belonging make researching the topic quite challenging. This article focuses on a methodology that combines photo-elicitation and visual analysis to elucidate the relations between images and spatial belonging, and to explore the ways in which the mental images created by discursive landscape imagery can affect the formation of people’s place relations and feelings of spatial belonging. The article draws from a research project …
Uses of the concept in contemporary research
Luontokuvan kuvallisten konventioiden rakentuminen
Taide, ekologia ja ihmisen monimuotoinen luontosuhde – kohti yhteistä tulevaisuutta -tutkimushankkeen kyselylomakkeet ja haastattelupohjat (2020-2021)
The survey material includes a research invitation, nature relationship survey questions, environmental film reception survey questions, environmental sound artwork reception survey questions, participant interview questions and artist interview questions. The questionnaires contain unstructured and semi-structured questions about the participants' relationship with nature, perceptions of nature and representations of nature in art and other visual material. The artist questionnaire contains questions about the artist's experiences related to making a work of art as part of a research project. Kyselyaineisto sisältää tutkimuskutsun, luontosuhdekyselyn kysymykset, ympäristöaiheisten elokuvie…