Hannu Salmi
Individual Creativity and Career Choices of Pre-teens in the Context of a Math-Art Learning Event
A sample of 392 students (aged 12-13 years, M± SD: 12. 52% girls) completed a learning module integrating informal hands-on mathematics and arts activity (extending STEM to STEAM). Within a 140 minute workshop period participants worked with commercially available ‘4Dframe’ Math and STEAM learning toolkits to design and create original, personal and individual geometrical structures. Two science pedagogues acted as tutors supervising the process and intervened only when needed. A pre-/post-test design monitored individual creativity, relative autonomy, and career choice preference. Path analysis elaborated the role of creativity (measured with two subscales: act and flow), and it showed tha…
Hands-on math and art exhibition promoting science attitudes and promoting science attitudes
The current science, technology, engineering, art, math education (STEAM) approach emphasizes integration of abstract science and mathematical ideas for concrete solutions by art.The main aim was to find out how experience of learning mathematics differed between the contexts of school and an informal Math and Art Exhibition. The study participants (𝑁 = 256) were 12-13 years old from Finland. Several valid questionnaires and tests were applied (e.g., SRQ-A, RAVEN) in pre- and postdesign showing a good reliability.The results based on General Linear Modeling and Structural Equation Path Modeling underline the motivational effects. The experience of the effectiveness of hands-on learning at …
Environmental Problem-solving and Hands-on Geometry Learning through Storytelling inside a Geodesic Dome : Ice, Honey and Stardust
In this workshop, we introduce a STEAM learning activity based on the construction of geodesic domes. This workshop will engage participants in various preliminary and exploratory constructions, while also applying the geometry of geodesic domes to approximate hemispheres. Various storytelling, role-playing, and environmental connections that can provide needed context for learners of all ages are explored. peerReviewed
Hands-On Math and Art Exhibition Promoting Science Attitudes and Educational Plans
The current science, technology, engineering, art, math education (STEAM) approach emphasizes integration of abstract science and mathematical ideas for concrete solutions by art. The main aim was to find out how experience of learning mathematics differed between the contexts of school and an informal Math and Art Exhibition. The study participants (N=256) were 12-13 years old from Finland. Several valid questionnaires and tests were applied (e.g., SRQ-A, RAVEN) in pre- and postdesign showing a good reliability. The results based on General Linear Modeling and Structural Equation Path Modeling underline the motivational effects. The experience of the effectiveness of hands-on learning at s…