Rosaria Perrone
Flower and fruit structure of the endangered species Petagnaea gussonei (Sprengel) Rauschert (Saniculoideae, Apiaceae) and implications for its reproductive biology
Petagnaea gussonei (Apiaceae) is an endangered species endemic to the Nebrodi mountains (north-eastern Sicily). Although an increasing number of studies have been performed on this species, its reproductive biology remains poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate in detail the structure of the flower and the fruit of Petagnaea, and the possible implications for its breeding system and seed dispersal mechanism. Results from fieldwork, light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy suggest (1) the presence of protandrous hermaphrodite flowers; (2) geitonogamy, autogamy, and allogamy as breeding system mechanisms of P. gussonei, even if asexual reproduction is preferred b…
Indagini anatomiche e micromorfologiche fogliari su alcune specie del genere Dianthus (Caryophyllaceae)
A further analysis of secretory structures of some taxa belonging to the genus Hypericum (Clusiaceae) in relation to the leaf vascular pattern
This work extends knowledge about the distribution of secretory structures (black nodules, translucent glands, and type A and B secretory canals) to other species of the genus Hypericum L., as only H. perforatum L. appears to have been widely investigated. Moreover, the current study was extended to include leaf vascular patterns. In the species studied, a possible correlation between the presence of black nodules and a particular biological form, that of hemicryptophytes scapose perennials such as H. perfoliatum L., H. perforatum L., H. pubescens Boiss., H. tetrapterum Fr., and H. triquetrifolium Turra, was noted. These black nodules are not present in H. androsaemum L. and H. hircinum L.,…
Indagini ecomorfologiche e micromorfologiche su Malva agrigentina (Malvaceae) endemita sicula
Confronto anatomico e micromorfologico fogliare fra Ophrys obaesa/O. pallida ed Epipactis microphylla/E. helleborine (Orchidaceae)
Leaf and stem anatomy in eight Hypericum species (Clusiaceae).
Abstract - Foliar micromorphology, epicuticular wax morphology and anatomical features of leaves and stem, particularly secondary xylem, were examined with light microscopy, general and histochemical staining and scanning electron microscopy in eight Hypericum species. Outer tegument tissue and type of secondary xylem are determining characteristics. Secondary xylem is ring-porous in H. perforatum, H. perfoliatum, H. tetrapterum, H. triquetrifolium, H. androsaemum and H. hircinum. In H. aegypticum and H. pubescens xylem is diffuse-porous, which is considered to be a more primitive type. These characteristics may be considered an additional criterion for species identification.
Indagini micromorfologiche e anatomiche su Dionaea muscipula (Droseraceae), Nepenthes alata (Nepenthaceae), Pinguicula vulgaris (Lentibulariaceae), acclimatate nell’Orto botanico di Palermo
Studio della variabilità genetica di popolazioni afferenti al genere Dianthus (Caryophyllaceae) in Sicilia mediante analisi del polimorfismo isoenzimatico
Dianthus borbonicus (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from Sicily
Dianthus borbonicus a new species occurring in North-Western Sicily is described and illustrated. It is a rare chasmophyte belonging to the D. sylvestris group, which is exclusive of a rupestrian stand near Rocca Busambra (Ficuzza). Its macro- and micromorphological features (seed testa sculptures, and leaf anatomy), ecology, conservation status and a comparison with the related species are provided too.
Lulwoana sp., a dark septate endophyte (DSE) in roots of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile seagrass
Posidonia oceanica is the most common, widespread and important monocotyledon seagrass in the Mediterranean Basin, and hosts a large biodiversity of species, including microorganisms with key roles in the marine environment. In this study, we ascertain the presence of a fungal endophyte in the roots of P. oceanica growing on different substrata (rock, sand and matte) in two Sicilian marine meadows. Staining techniques on root fragments and sections, in combination with microscope observations, were used to visualise the fungal presence and determine the percentage of fungal colonisation (FC) in this tissue. In root fragments, statistical analysis of the FC showed a higher mean in roots anch…
Contributo allo studio morfoanatomico e micromorfologico fogliare di elementi espressivi della Flora siciliana: Periploca laevigata subsp. angustifolia (Asclepiadaceae) e Cymbalaria pubescens (Scrophulariaceae)
What do leaf anatomy and micromorphology tell us about the psammophilous Pancratium maritimum (Amaryllidaceae) in response to sand dune conditions?
Abstract The present study aimed at verifying the morphological variation in leaf traits among different populations of Pancratium maritimum (sea daffodil) and the correlation between leaf diversity and climate conditions at different sites. Eleven populations of P. maritimum from Mediterranean coastal sand dunes were investigated with respect to leaf surface micro-morphology, leaf anatomy, and vascular pattern. Morphometric analysis was based on 29 quantitative foliar parameters. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), principal component analysis (PCA), discriminant function analysis (DFA), and clustering by Ward’s method were used for the statistical evaluation. Results revealed a rather u…
Comparative leaf micromorphology, anatomy and architecture in some Mediterranean species of Pancratium (Amaryllidaceae).
Pancratium L. is the most widespread genus of the Eurasian clade of Amaryllidaceae. It includes about 20 species of bulbous herbaceous geophytes, naturally occurring only in Macaronesia, Mediterranean basin, and throughout Africa to tropical Asia, but also introduced and cultivated in many countries (De Castro & al.2012). Pancratium species generally occur in specialized habitats, such as dry rocky slopes, cliffs, sandy seashores, coastal dunes, desert sandy soils. Leaf features are the main adaptive strategies of these plants in response to the numerous environmental constraints. Leaves in Pancratium show a gross morphological identity being usually glaucous, ensiform, parallel-veined, pla…
Morpho-anatomical investigations on Capparis spinosa L. (Capparaceae) in Tunisia.
Contributo alla caratterizzazione morfoanatomica e micromorfologica fogliare delle Orchidaceae siciliane: Limodorum abortivum E Neottia nidus-avis
Indagini micromorfologiche e anatomiche su Vinca major (Apocynaceae)
Root hair anatomy and morphology in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile and substratum typology: First observations of a spiral form
Abstract The morpho-anatomical root hair features of P. oceanica ramets collected in meadows settled on different substrata (sand, matte and rock) were analysed. On each substratum, nine plagiothropic rhizomes each one composed by 3–6 interconnected short shoots were collected between April and May 2016 at 10 m of depth. On sand and on rock, the adventitious roots showed two distinct tubular and spiral-shaped hairs, clustered in yellowish-gray gelatinous pads. Tubular root hair tips were dactiliform and generally attached to grains of rock fragments. Moreover, a sub-circular swelling zone occurred. On matte , root hairs did not form gelatinous pads, were very short and had a simple distal p…
Indagini ecomorfologiche e micromorfologiche su Euriale ferox (Nymphaeaceae)
Aggiornamenti e novità sulle conoscenze di Pancratium maritimum (Amaryllidaceae)
Pancratium maritimum L., bulbosa perenne degli ambienti dunali costieri, è un taxon relativamente recente se comparato con le specie del genere a gravitazione mediterranea. Gli studi noti su questa specie hanno analizzato vari aspetti della biologia (riproduttivi, biochimici, filogenetici, genetici, ecc.). Tuttavia, esistono ancora lacune scientifiche, tra cui l’assenza di studi su ampio areale di genetica di conservazione e sugli adattamenti eco-morfofisiologici alle condizioni di stress. Per ampliare le conoscenze su P. maritimum, la Fondazione Nando Peretti nel novembre 2012 ha finanziato un progetto triennale sulla conoscenza e la salvaguardia di questa specie (Progetto 2012-83). In que…