Maresi Emiliano
[Endoscopic treatment of gastric carcinoid. Report of a clinical case]
We report on a case of a gastric carcinoid of the sporadic type successfully treated by endoscopic electroresection. From January 1998 to October 2002, 1523 gastroscopies were performed in the Palermo University General Emergency Surgery and Organ Transplant Unit. In a 59-year-old man with a history of dyspepsia, a sessile polypoid gastric lesion was observed in the gastric corpus. Laboratory data were normal. The lesion was successfully treated by electroresection. Histological evaluation revealed an 8-mm-diameter well-differentiated neuroendocrine polypoid tumour infiltrating the muscularis mucosa. According to Rindi et al.'s classification, the polyp was a carcinoid of the sporadic type.…
Aspetti anatomopatologici della placenta e del cordone ombelicale
Una normale gravidanza dipende dall'interazione "bilanciata" di tre sistemi biologici: la madre, il feto e la placenta
Patologia della placenta accreta
I ermin plcentcdescrive qellcondzne anatomo-clinica in cui tutta la placenta aderisce in maniera anomala alla parete uterina risultandone difficilmente separabile al momento del parto
Hemangiopericytoma of the Oral Cavity After a Ten-Year Follow-up
Hemangiopericytoma (HPC) is a mesenchymal tumour that may be benign, malignant, or occur in an intermediate form. We report an unusual case of hemangiopericytoma located in the buccal mucosal region. The histopathologic features showed increased cellularity, necrosis, hemorrhage, low proliferation index, and 4 or less mitotic figures per 10 high-power fields. Since this histological pattern suggests an intermediate form characterized by unpredictable clinical behavior, life-long follow-up is essential. In this patient no recurrences or distant metastases were evident at 10-yr follow-up.