Bivona E.

Applying Dynamic Performance Management to foster collaborative governance in Higher Education: A conceptual framework

Higher education is characterized by growing complexity and uncertainty, which highlight how wicked issues cannot be addressed by one organization acting alone. A collaborative governance approach is here proposed to tackle these issues. Such a perspective has been implemented widely, from public services design and delivery to infrastructure development and environmental protection. Although higher education is not less critical than the above areas, less attention has been paid to collaborative governance in this feld. To foster collaborative governance in higher education, based on a literature review, we develop a conceptual framework using the dynamic performance management approach. T…

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Overcoming traditional Performance Management in Public Healthcare Institutions: The need for a DPM Approach

Donabedian (1988) was the scientific father of the notion that Performance Measurement (PM) of hospital outputs leads to improved quality of healthcare services, setting the foundations of how hospital quality is still today defined, considered and measured using three different kinds of measures: structure, process and outcome measures. Nonetheless, a growing part of literature during the last two decades has started doubting those favourable outcomes of PM on hospital quality (De Vos, et al., 2009; Nolan & Berwick, 2006; Werner et al., 2008a, 2008b; Werner & Bradlow, 2006; Wright & Hershman, 2014) while other research shows that ineffective PM systems are not just useless but …

research product

Understanding how Human Resource Knowledge Accumulation, Depletion Processes impact on a Service Firm Performance

This paper outlines how soft stock variables, such as human resource knowledge and more broadly Intellectual Capital (IC), accumulation and depletion processes are dynamically interrelated with firm performance. To this goal, the author suggests a framework making explicit the relationships between policy levers, strategic resources, drivers, end-results and performance indicators. The author argues that to explain a firm superior performance, it is not sufficient to look at the endowment of strategic resources in a given moment of time; it is instead required to investigate over time company strategic resources accumulation and depletion processes and how such assets are interconnected wit…

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