Vicente Miñana-signes
Prevalence of Low Back Pain among Primary School Students from the City of Valencia (Spain)
It is well-known that low back pain (LBP) prevalence is high among school-age children. However, literature concerning the initial onset of back pain between the ages of three and eleven years is scarce. The present study aims to analyze the prevalence of LBP in kindergarten and primary school students. A total of 278 (9.9 ± 2.1 years old
Editorial: Las salidas profesionales en la familia de la actividad física y el deporte en la reforma del 2014
La preocupante situación socio-económica por la que atraviesa el país, ha traído consigo una multitud de reformas con la fi nalidad de salir de la crisis económica. Entre ellas destaca la aprobación del Anteproyecto de Ley de Servicios y Colegios Profesionales (ALSCP) con la que se pretende aportar más fl exibilidad y competencia a la economía.
Development and psychometric evaluation of a health questionnaire on back care knowledge in daily life physical activities for adolescent students
The most relevant musculoskeletal problems are related with back health. Study instruments have been designed for adult patient population but not for school-aged children. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the psychometric properties of a questionnaire to assess adolescents' level of back care knowledge in daily life physical activities.Participants were 171 adolescents from secondary schools. The questionnaire was made up of 24 questions. A Delphi method was used for test validation. Cronbach's alpha, test-retest, Wilcoxon signed-rank and Bland-Altman graph were used to evaluate the instrument reliability.Cronbach's alpha (α = 0.82) showed a strong internal consistency. Te…
Improvement of knowledge and postural habits after an educational intervention program in school students
To study the effect of an educational intervention programme concerning knowledge and postural habits for back health on a group of 10 to 11-year-old students. Two groups of 5th grade primary school students were selected. A control group (CG) (n=16), and an experimental group (EG) (n=16) who developed a back-health educational programme. A follow-up was carried out one month after the end of the intervention. The proposed educational intervention improved the results of both the knowledge and postural habits of the participants. The increase in the level of knowledge concerning health and back care in the daily lives of the EG (x̅=6.32) was significantly greater than that observed in the C…
Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Reliability of the Back Pain and Body Posture Evaluation Instrument (BackPEI) to the Spanish Adolescent Population
The prevalence of back pain (BP) among children and adolescents has increased over recent years. Some authors advocate promoting back-health education in the school setting. It is therefore important to adopt a uniform suite of assessment instruments to measure the various constructs. The present study aimed to perform a cultural adaptation of a validated measurement instrument (BackPEI), beginning with a translation and cultural adaptation phase, followed by a second phase to test reliability using a test-retest design. The translation and cross-cultural adaptation were performed based on the guidelines. Reliability was tested by applying the questionnaire to 224 secondary school students,…
Effects of a non-randomized educational intervention on knowledge, postural habits and trunk muscle endurance related to back health: A 6-month follow-up study
Low back pain (LBP) prevalence in children and adolescents is high during their lives. School-based interventions have reported effectiveness on back health. The study aimed to determine the effect of an educational back-health intervention on knowledge, postural habits and trunk muscle endurance regarding low back pain prevention for a group of 12 to 13-year-old students using a 6-month follow-up. A non-randomized experimental design. Three groups of 1st-grade secondary school students were selected. A control group (CG), and two experimental groups (EG1 and EG2) who participated in a back-health educational program (BHEP); only one of the experimental groups was given a follow-up learning…
Psychometric Study and Content Validity of a Questionnaire to Assess Back-Health-Related Postural Habits in Daily Activities
The purpose of this study was to develop a questionnaire to assess body posture habits in adolescents’ daily activities. To develop and assess the instrument we used the Delphi method, and a test-r...
Perspectiva sobre la salud y los cuidados de la espalda en adolescentes practicantes de gimnasia rítmica y danza clásica: una investigación cualitativa de casos múltiples
El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue explorar las percepciones de estudiantes de secundaria y profesoras practicantes de actividades escénicas (gimnasia rítmica y danza clásica) sobre la salud y el cuidado de la espalda. Participaron tres adolescentes y una profesora de secundaria, las cuales respondieron de forma abierta a preguntas a través de una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados mostraron que las cuatro participantes tuvieron algún episodio de dolor de espalda y tres de ellas DLI a lo largo de sus vidas y su percepción sobre este es predominantemente negativo. Explicaron que la actividad practicada requería el desarrollo de ejercicios con continuas extensiones y rotacione…
Justificación del valor educativo de la Educación Física y el docente. ¿Qué profesional del deporte debe impartir la materia de Educación Física? ¿El Maestro/a y Profesor/a de Educación Física o el Monitor/a deportivo/a? (Justification of the educational
Esta revisión teórica pretende explicar y reflexionar sobre lo que es la Educación Física de calidad y las competencias profesionales de los docentes de la materia para no confundirlo con el deporte escolar. Actualmente, son varias las instituciones que recomiendan una Educación Física de Calidad, y entre otros aspectos destacan que esta debe aumentar hasta las 3h lectivas a la semana tanto en la etapa de educación primaria obligatoria como en la secundaria. En la Comunidad Valenciana, el programa de “Esport a l’Escola+1h EF” propone que las federaciones deportivas se encarguen de desarrollar dicho proyecto dirigido a todo el alumnado de 3º y 4º de primaria en la hora de libre disposición y…
Back-Health-Related Physical Activity and Exercise Knowledge in Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Knowledge is a determining factor for the development of postural habits; it could be considered as the first step in the establishment of changes. The aim of this study was to analyze the level of specific back-health-related physical activity and exercise knowledge in adolescents. A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 1500 high school students between the ages of 13 and 18 (mean age = 15.18 ± 1.44). Students from the Valencian Community (Spain) were recruited with a confidence level of 95% and an accepted standard error of ± 2.53%. Self-report questionnaires were used to record back-health-related physical activity knowledge. The level of specific knowledge of…
La salud de la espalda en la educación. Estudio y validación de un cuestionario de conocimientos sobre la práctica de actividad y ejercicio físico para la salud y el cuidado de la espalda en jóvenes de la Comunidad Valenciana.
Objetivo: Los objetivos principales de esta tesis doctoral fueron diseñar y validar un cuestionario de conocimientos sobre la salud y el cuidado de la espalda relacionados con la práctica de actividad y ejercicio físico, y aplicarlo a una muestra representativa de adolescentes de la Comunidad Valenciana para estudiar la relación entre el nivel de dichos conocimientos específicos, los problemas lumbares y otras variables independientes (sociodemográficas, derivadas del dolor lumbar, antropométricas y de estilos de vida). Metodología: Para el diseño del cuestionario se desarrolló una revisión sistemática (RS) utilizando bases de datos del área de la educación, del deporte y la salud como: ERI…
Teaching Back Health in the School Setting: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
School-based interventions have reported effectiveness on back health; however, there are no specific guidelines for teaching body mechanics and posture in primary and secondary schools. To identify, describe, and analyze the educative features of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on back health developed to date in the school setting, a systematic review was performed following the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) recommendations. RCTs exclusively focused on educational setting electronic databases included PubMed, EMBASE, PEDro, Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, ERIC, and MEDLINE on the Ovid platform. Databases were searched for potentially eligible…
Evaluation Instruments for Assessing Back Pain in Athletes: A Systematic Review Protocol
Back pain is a public health problem that affects adolescents and adults worldwide. However, studies on back pain present inconsistent findings in part due to the use of different instruments, especially for athletes. Therefore, the objective of this systematic review protocol was to map the existing evidence on such tools. The systematic review will be conducted according to PRISMA guidelines. Five electronic databases, Embase, MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, CINAHL, and Scopus will be searched. This review includes studies that investigated prevalence, incidence, and other variables. Titles and abstracts will be selected. Two independent reviewers will read the articles carefully and discrepancies,…