Chu Wen Xiao
NDK, (K)over-barDN, and ND(K)over-bar molecules
We investigate theoretically baryon systems made of three hadrons which contain one nucleon and one D meson, and in addition another meson, (D) over tilde, K, or (K) over tilde. The systems are studied using the fixed center approximation to the Faddeev equations. The study is made assuming scattering of a K or a (K) over tilde on a DN cluster, which is known to generate the Lambda(c)(2595), or the scattering of a nucleon on the D (D) over tilde cluster, which has been shown to generate a hidden charm resonance named X(3700). We also investigate the configuration of scattering of N on the KD cluster, which is known to generate the D*(s0)(2317). In all cases we find bound states, with the ND…
Energy And Width Of A Narrow I=1/2 Dnn Quasibound State
The energies and widths of DNN quasibound states with isospin I = 1/2 are evaluated in two methods, the fixed center approximation to the Faddeev equation and the variational method approach to the effective one-channel Hamiltonian. The DN interactions are constructed so they dynamically generate the Lambda(c)(2595) (I = 0, J(pi) = 1/2(-)) resonance state. We find that the system is bound by about 250 MeV from the DNN threshold, root s similar to 3500 MeV. Its width, including both the mesonic decay and the D absorption, is estimated to be about 20-40 MeV. The I = 0 DN pair in the DNN system is found to form a cluster that is similar to the Lambda(c)(2595).
Investigation of molecular states with charm and beauty hadrons
La Fisica de hadrones ha tenido un desarrollo espectacular en los ultimos años debido a la pletora de estados nuevos que han sido descubiertos en laboratorios como BES en Beijing, la colaboracion Babar en USA, Belle en Japon, CLEO en USA y el CERN en Europa, entre otros. El modelo de quarks, segun el cual los mesones estan formados de quark antiquark y los bariones de tres quarks, tuvo en su dia un valor incalculable, al permitir entender los hadrones en terminos de unos pocos componentes elementales. Las predicciones que hizo, y fueron confirmadas, puso este modelo de los hadrones en un lugar incuestionable de la Historia de la Fisica. Sin embargo, el paso del tiempo nos ha ido enseñando q…
Baryon states with open beauty in the extended local hidden gauge approach
In this paper we examine the interaction of \bar B N, \bar B \Delta, \bar B^* N and \bar B^* \Delta states, together with their coupled channels, using a mapping from the light meson sector. The assumption that the heavy quarks act as spectators at the quark level automatically leads us to the results of the heavy quark spin symmetry for pion exchange and reproduces the results of the Weinberg Tomozawa term, coming from light vector exchanges in the extended local hidden gauge approach. With this dynamics we look for states dynamically generated from the interaction and find two states with nearly zero width, which we associate to the \Lambda_b(5912) and \Lambda_b(5920) states. The states c…