Language Policy and Ethnic Tensions in Quebec and Latvia
Introduction Concern for the French language in Quebec in the 1960s and 1970s and the Latvian language in the then Soviet Union in the late 1980s and in the new Latvian state in the 1990s were ignited by some of the same demographic and assimilative forces in the two societies. Both Quebec and Latvia had lost their independence to larger powers. The birth rate and population declined abruptly in the two subnations. Schools in English (in Quebec) and Russian (in Latvia) attracted most immigrants. The elites were disproportionately drawn from outside the majority ethnic groups. To counter these trends, language policies were drafted, restricting access to English and Russian languages in scho…
Zemes piespiedu noma Latvijas Republikas pilsētās, ja uz zemes atrodas privatizēta daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamā māja
Promocijas darbā meklēti risinājumi problēmām, kas saistītas ar zemes piespiedu nomas tiesiskajām attiecībām, kad uz zemes gabala atrodas privatizēta daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamā māja. Darbā ir vispusīgi analizēts līdz šim nekur neaprakstītais zemes piespiedu nomas institūts: aprakstīti vēsturiskie apstākļi, kādos veidojās tā sauktie dalītie īpašumi un zemes piespiedu noma, analizēta piespiedu nomas institūta būtība. Padziļināti ir analizētas nomas tiesisko attiecību būtiskās sastāvdaļas, kā arī prasījumu rašanās pamats, pastāvot dalītam īpašumam. Darbā ir analizētas tiesiskās attiecības ēkas dzīvokļu īpašnieku, pārvaldnieka un zemes īpašnieka starpā, pušu tiesības un pienākumi, kā arī pārvaldni…
The Promise and Perils of Urban Land Restitution in Latvia
ABSTRACT∞ In this article we address the transitional justice policy of restitution in kind with a case study of urban land reform in Latvia. Contributing to scholarship on the challenge of property reforms after generations of dispossession, we examine the economic, social and political meanings of property restitution in this post-Soviet context. Using process-tracing techniques to examine the creation and implementation of Latvia’s policy in the aftermath of independence from the Soviet Union, we illustrate specific challenges of restitution in kind where property changed through the construction of new buildings occupied by tenants. Financial disputes between landowners and tenants map …