Luis Teruel
Resultados inmediatos e impacto funcional y pronóstico tras la recanalización de oclusiones coronarias crónicas. Resultados del Registro Ibérico
Resumen Introduccion y objetivos El impacto de la intervencion coronaria percutanea (ICP) sobre oclusiones coronarias cronicas totales (OCT) presenta controversias. Se analizan los resultados agudos y al seguimiento en nuestro entorno. Metodos Registro prospectivo de ICP sobre OCT en 24 centros durante 2 anos. Resultados Se realizaron 1.000 ICP sobre OCT en 952 pacientes. La mayoria tenia sintomas (81,5%) y cardiopatia isquemica previa (59,2%), y hubo intentos de desobstruccion previos en un 15%. El SYNTAX anatomico fue 19,5 ± 10,6 y tenia J-score > 2 el 17,3%. El procedimiento fue retrogrado en 92 pacientes (9,2%). La tasa de exito fue del 74,9%, mayor en aquellos sin ICP previa (el 82,2 f…
Procedural, Functional and Prognostic Outcomes Following Recanalization of Coronary Chronic Total Occlusions. Results of the Iberian Registry.
Introduction and objectives: There is current controversy regarding the benefits of percutaneous recanalization (PCI) of chronic total coronary occlusions (CTO). Our aim was to determine acute and follow-up outcomes in our setting. Methods: Two-year prospective registry of consecutive patients undergoing PCI of CTO in 24 centers. Results: A total of 1000 PCIs of CTO were performed in 952 patients. Most were symptomatic (81.5%), with chronic ischemic heart disease (59.2%). Previous recanalization attempts had been made in 15%. The mean SYNTAX score was 19.5 +/- 10.6 and J-score was > 2 in 17.3%. A retrograde procedure was performed in 92 patients (9.2%). The success rate was 74.9% and was hi…
A randomized multicentre trial to compare revascularization with optimal medical therapy for the treatment of chronic total coronary occlusions
Aims: The clinical value of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for chronic coronary total occlusions (CTOs) is not established by randomized trials. This study should compare the benefit of PCI vs. optimal medical therapy (OMT) on the health status in patients with at least one CTO.Method and results: Three hundred and ninety-six patients were enrolled in a prospective randomized, multicentre, open-label, and controlled clinical trial to compare the treatment by PCI with OMT with a 2:1 randomization ratio. The primary endpoint was the change in health status assessed by the Seattle angina questionnaire (SAQ) between baseline and 12 months follow-up. Fifty-two percent of patients have …