Aman Steinberg
Photon production and screening properties of the QGP from lattice QCD
An estimate for the thermal photon rate from lattice QCD
We estimate the production rate of photons by the quark-gluon plasma in lattice QCD. We propose a new correlation function which provides better control over the systematic uncertainty in estimating the photon production rate at photon momenta in the range {\pi}T/2 to 2{\pi}T. The relevant Euclidean vector current correlation functions are computed with $N_{\mathrm f}$ = 2 Wilson clover fermions in the chirally-symmetric phase. In order to estimate the photon rate, an ill-posed problem for the vector-channel spectral function must be regularized. We use both a direct model for the spectral function and a model-independent estimate from the Backus-Gilbert method to give an estimate for the p…
Static and non-static vector screening masses
Thermal screening masses of the conserved vector current are calculated both in a weak-coupling approach and in lattice QCD. The inverse of a screening mass can be understood as the length scale over which an external electric field is screened in a QCD medium. The comparison of screening masses both in the zero and non-zero Matsubara frequency sectors shows good agreement of the perturbative and the lattice results. Moreover, at $T\approx 508\mathrm{MeV}$ the lightest screening mass lies above the free result ($2\pi T$), in agreement with the $\mathcal{O}(g^2)$ weak-coupling prediction.
The rate of photon production in the quark-gluon plasma from lattice QCD
We calculate the thermal rate of real-photon production in the quark-gluon plasma at a temperature of $T=254$ MeV using lattice QCD. The calculation is based on the difference between the spatially transverse and longitudinal parts of the polarization tensor, which has the advantage of falling off rapidly at large frequencies. We obtain this linear combination in the time-momentum representation from lattice QCD with two flavors of quarks in the continuum limit with a precision of about two parts per mille. Applying a theoretically motivated fit ansatz for the associated spectral function, we obtain values for the photon rate that are in line with QCD weak-coupling calculations; for photon …
Lattice QCD estimate of the quark-gluon plasma photon emission rate
We present a computation of the photon emission rate of the quark-gluon plasma from two-flavor lattice QCD at a temperature of 254 MeV, which follows up on the work presented in [1]. We perform a continuum extrapolation of the vector-current correlator, and consider a linear combination of the Lorentz indices corresponding to a UV-finite spectral function. To extract the spectral function from the lattice correlators, an ill-posed inverse problem, we model the spectral function with a Pad\'e ansatz. We further constrain our analysis by simultaneously fitting data with different momenta. We present results for a multi-momentum fit including the three smallest momenta available from our latti…