Rachel Würstlein
Dokumentationsverhalten in der eHealth-Anwendung CANKADO und Auswirkung auf beobachtete Nebenwirkungen - eine explorative Analyse der PreCycle-Studie
Validierung des Breast-GPA Scores bei Patientinnen mit Hirnmetastasen eines Mammakarzinoms im BMBC-Register (GBG-79)
Treatment and outcomes of patients in the Brain Metastases in Breast Cancer Network Registry
Brain metastases (BMs) have a major impact on life expectancy and quality of life for many breast cancer patients. Knowledge about treatment patterns and outcomes is limited.We analysed clinical data of 1712 patients diagnosed with BMs from breast cancer between January 2000 and December 2016 at 80 institutions.Median age at diagnosis of BMs was 56 years (22-90 years). About 47.8% (n = 732) of patients had HER2-positive, 21.4% (n = 328) had triple-negative and 30.8% (n = 471) had hormone receptor (HR)-positive, HER2-negative (luminal-like) primary tumours. The proportion of patients with HER2-positive BMs decreased comparing the years 2000-2009 with 2010-2015 (51%-44%), whereas the percenta…