A. Contin
A large-area modular electromagnetic shower detector for the CERN intersecting storage rings
The authors describe the design and performances large-area (13 m/sup 2/) shower detector built for an experiment at the CERN ISR to detect electrons and gamma rays with energies up to 4 GeV. The main characteristics of the detector are: a) linearity of the energy response from 0.5 to 4 GeV; b) good energy, time and space resolutions; c) modularity of the mechanical assembly; d) low cost of construction. (3 refs).
Advances in Technology for High-Energy Subnuclear Physics. Contribution of the LAA Project.
Search for quarks in proton-proton interactions at √s = 52.5 GeV
The results of an experiment to search for quarks in pp collisions, at a total centre-of-mass energy √s = 52.5 GeV, are reported. The experiment was sensitive to fractionally charged particles with 0.035e ⩽ |Q| ⩽ 0.67e,β =v/c ⩾ 0.1, and masses up to 21 GeV/c2. The 90% confidence level on the ratio «quark flux/charged-particle flux» is 5.11 · 10−11 for |Q| = 1/3e. This value holds true for particles produced with a mean transverse momentum of 0.4 GeV/c.