Frailty Status Improvement after 5-Month Multicomponent Program PROMUFRA in Community-Dwelling Older People: A Randomized Controlled Trial
A study was made of the effect of the PROMUFRA multicomponent frailty program upon physical frailty, kinanthropometry, pain and muscle function parameters in frail and pre-frail community-dwelling older people. Eighty-one participants were randomly allocated to the intervention group (IG) or control group (CG). The IG performed PROMUFRA for 20 weeks, using six strength exercises with three series of 8–12 repetitions until muscular failure, and seven myofascial exercises, with one set of 10 repetitions. The CG continued their routine. The frailty criteria number (FCN), kinanthropometric parameters and muscle function were measured at baseline and after the program. Between-group differences …