Elena Castro Martínez
Geodetic data analysis of VGOS experiments
Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) serves as one of the common geodetic methods to define the global reference frames and monitor Earth's orientation variations. The technical upgrade of the VLBI method known as the VLBI Global Observing System (VGOS) includes a critical re-design of the observed frequencies from the dual band mode (S and X band, i.e. 2 GHz and 8 GHz) to observations in a broadband (2 – 14 GHz). Since 2019 the first VGOS experiments are available for the geodetic analysis in free access at the International VLBI service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS). Also regional-only subnetworks such as European VLBI stations have succeeded already in VGOS mode. Based on these br…
Current missions of public universities: a sociological perspective
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