R. Scheithauer

Considerations from the European DNA profiling group (EDNAP) concerning STR nomenclature

(1) The nomenclature of any STR follows from comparison with a control allelic ladder; availability of reference allelic ladders is central to any scheme. The components of an allelic ladder should be sequenced. (2) The DNA commission recommended a nomenclature based upon the number of repeat sequences present in an allele. Whereas this method is suitable for typing simple STRs, complex hypervariable repeats such as ACTBP2 do not conform to a simple repeating structure. We propose that designation of complex STR repeats such as ACTBP2, D11S554 and APOAI1 follows from the size of specific alleles. Because the size is dependant upon the primers utilised, the size is not definitive (it may als…

research product

Report of the European DNA profiling group (EDNAP)-an investigation of the hypervariable STR loci ACTBP2, APOAI1 and D11S554 and the compound loci D12S391 and D1S1656

This paper describes the results of three collaborative exercises which continues the EDNAP theme to explore whether uniformity of DNA profiling results could be achieved between European laboratories using STRs. In an earlier exercise, complex hypervariable AAAG-repeat STR loci were investigated, but reproducibility was found to be poor because of the variation of techniques used by participating laboratories. In the exercise reported here, an internal allelic ladder composed of ACTBP2 and D11S554 fragments was distributed. This ladder was used to size ACTBP2 analysed by a "singleplex" PCR amplification and D11S554 combined with APOAI1 in a separate "duplex" reaction. Laboratories were ask…

research product

Forensic validation of the SNPforID 52-plex assay.

The advantages of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) typing in forensic genetics are well known and include a wider choice of high-throughput typing platforms, lower mutation rates, and improved analysis of degraded samples. However, if SNPs are to become a realistic supplement to current short tandem repeat (STR) typing methods, they must be shown to successfully and reliably analyse the challenging samples commonly encountered in casework situations. The European SNPforID consortium, supported by the EU GROWTH programme, has developed a multiplex of 52 SNPs for forensic analysis, with the amplification of all 52 loci in a single reaction followed by two single base extension (SBE) react…

research product

Results of collaborative study regarding the standardization of the Y-linked STR system DYS385 by the European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) group.

Y-chromosome linked short tandem repeat (STR) loci are inherited as a closely linked haplotype, which appears to remain stable in a given paternal lineage over many generations. In forensic cases, Y-linked STRs are particularly useful for the identification of human remains as well as in rape cases with mixed male/female stain samples. DYS385 is derived from tandemly duplicated segments of the Y chromosome thus giving rise to two fragments of variable length which do not behave like alleles but genotypes. The European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) group has carried out a collaborative exercise among 14 participating laboratories using DYS385 for typing of five unknown bloodstains and a control samp…

research product

Report of the European DNA profiling group (EDNAP): an investigation of the complex STR loci D21S11 and HUMFIBRA (FGA).

This paper describes a collaborative exercise which was intended to demonstrate whether uniformity of DNA profiling results could be achieved between European laboratories using two complex short tandem repeat (STR) loci. The loci D21S11 and HUMFIBRA (FGA) were chosen because they are commonly used by different European laboratories. D21S11 has approximately 14 common alleles (f > 0.001), whereas HUMFIBRA has 19 common alleles. Laboratories were asked to test seven blood stains, one of which was a known control, and to report the results to the coordinating laboratory. The exercise demonstrated that complex STRs were amenable to standardisation.

research product

The EDNAP mitochondrial DNA population database (EMPOP) collaborative exercises: organisation, results and perspectives.

This paper presents an overview of the organisation and the results of the collaborative exercises (CE) of the European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) Group's mitochondrial DNA population database project (EMPOP). The aim of the collaborative exercises was to determine whether uniformity of mtDNA sequencing results could be achieved among different laboratories. These were asked to sequence either the complete mtDNA control region or the two hypervariable regions HVI (16024-16365) and HVII (73-340) from DNA extracts, buccal swabs or bloodstains, proceeding in accordance with the protocol and strategies used in each individual laboratory. The results of the collaborative exercises were employed to id…

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