Kirsi Tirri

Hyvää verkko-opetusta etsimässä: oppimista edistävät ja estävät tekijät verkko-oppimisympäristöissä – opiskelijoiden kokemuksen ja opettajien arviot

Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää opiskelijoiden ja opettajien käsityksiä hyvästä verkko-opetuksesta ja -opiskelusta. Tutkimuksessa keskityttiin erityisesti verkko- opettajan roolin ja tehtävien tarkasteluun. Verkko-opetusta tutkittiin osana opetus-opiskelu-oppiminen prosessia (Uljens 1997, Kansanen 1999). Hyvän verkko-opettajan ominaisuuksia etsittiin tehokkaan opettajan kriteerien (Tirri 1993), opettajan pedagogisen ajattelun ja verkko-opettajatutkimuksien lähtökohdista käsin. Mielekäs oppiminen määriteltiin Jonassenin (1995) esittämien kriteerien lähtökohdista. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto koostui vuosina 1995-1999 Helsingin yliopiston virtuaalisen avoimen yliopiston (HEVI) ja A…

research product

Teachers’ Implicit Meaning Systems and Their Implications for Pedagogical Thinking and Practice: A Case Study from Finland

ABSTRACTThis qualitative case study examines teachers’ implicit meaning systems built around their core beliefs on the malleability of human qualities. Previous research has demonstrated the influence of students’ implicit theories on motivation and achievement and has presented successful interventions for students. However, research on teachers’ implicit theories and, in particular, their actualization in natural environments is lacking. The data for this study include observations and stimulated recall interviews with two Finnish teachers whose opposing implicit theories were first indicated in 2000 by Carol Dweck . The results depict how these teachers’ implicit meaning systems influenc…

research product

Religious Education in Finland: Promoting Intelligent Belief?

This article discusses current dilemmas in religious education in Finland. Different interpretations of confessional religious education are presented in the context of the Lutheran tradition. Pedagogical applications of religious education advocated by Michael Grimmitt are explored as plausible approaches in promoting the religious understanding of students. The article presents some suggestions to enrich Grimmitt's pedagogy with a more argumentative approach, which unites both reason and feeling. Such an intelligent approach is arguably in accord with the pedagogical interpretation of confessional religious education.

research product

The implications of teachers’ implicit theories for moral education: A case study from Finland

Implicit theories concerning the malleability of human qualities are known to have a powerful impact on motivation and learning, but their role in moral education is an under-researched topic. In this qualitative case study, we examined the impact of implicit theories on four Finnish teachers’ practices of teaching morally and in teaching morality. The data include preliminary and stimulated recall interviews (STR) as well as classroom observations. Our results demonstrate the multiple ways in which teachers’ implicit beliefs are communicated to students and influence teacher’s interpretations and endeavors to educate the ethical capabilities of students. The study provides evidence for the…

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