Prestano C
Effectiveness and therapeutic alliance in group-analytic treatment with eating disorder.
Le funzioni metacognitive nei pazienti con disturbi del comportamento alimentare. Uno studio sul trattamento di gruppo psicodinamico
There is an emerging empirical evidence that patients with eating disorders have severe metacognitive concerns, i.e. ability to reflect on mental states. This single-case study aims to explore the relationship between limited metacognition and eating symptoms in six patients who attended a long-term group treatment. This study also aims at analysing the change of patients metacognition over the course of treatment. All the patients were female, with a mean age of 17 years. Three patients have a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, and three have a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa. The group treatment was delivered in a outpatient clinic of the hospital of Acireale (CT). The SVaM (Carcione et al., 199…
Gruppi per pazienti con disturbi in Asse I : specificità del trattamento in un gruppo monosintomatico con disturbi di panico
Il processo terapeutico dei gruppi psicodinamici con pazienti con disturbo del comportamento alimentare. Uno studio su alleanza, fattori terapeutici ed interventi del conduttore.
"Relation of the real relationship and the working alliance to the outcome of brief psychotherapy": Correction to Lo Coco, Gullo, Prestano, and Gelso (2011).
Relation of the real relationship and the working alliance to the outcome of brief psychotherapy.
In this study, the (a) association of the client- and therapist-rated strength of the real relationship to the outcome of brief psychotherapy, and (b) extent to which the real relationship predicted outcome above and beyond the predictive power of the working alliance were examined. A total of 50 clients at the counseling center of a university in Italy received brief therapy and completed measures before treatment, after the third session, and at the end of treatment. From the clients' perspective, both the Genuineness element of the real relationship and the Bond scale of the working alliance were found to relate significantly to treatment outcome. When we examined the real relationship a…