Kauhu ja lukijuus lastenkirjallisuudessa : dialogimuotoon kirjoitettu katsaus
Heinrich Hoffmannin Struwwelpeterin muutokset ajassa ja kauhun estetiikka lastenkirjassa
Early Childhood Education and Materiality : Guest Editorial
Tappeleva rapuhirviö : kauhun estetiikka lastenkulttuurissa
Horror in picture books aimed at children appears in many forms and may be interpreted in multiple ways. It may include ghosts and monsters, nightmares and existential fears, or, violence and content labelled as “difficult”. These elements may be portrayed and interpreted as intellectually challenging and up- lifting, as cute, normal and ”not really frightening”, or as something violent and harmful or possibly empowering. In other words, cultural horror and the ways in which we discuss or use it may aim to shock, to reassure, or to entertain. The chosen way of meaning making depends on and reflects the social positioning and performative aims of the producer or interpreter. In this study, t…
From Visceral to the Aesthetic
We recoil at the thought of eating rotten meat or moldy strawberries and feel uncomfortable with the bad breath of a person we do not specifically like. We may feel disgusted when Divine, one of the protagonists of John Waters’ film Pink Flamingos (1972) eats dog feces – or when Akwaeke Emezi, in her debut novel Freshwater (2018), describes how the protagonist, in veterinary school, mutilates cadavers, separates skin from muscle, and lifts “delicate sheets of fascia” with the scalpel (Emezi 2018, 41). Disgust is, alongside surprise, sadness, happiness, fear, anger, and contempt mentioned in the list of so-called universal emotions (Ekman 1970). It is often visualized as a wrinkled nose. Acc…
Härmistetty kuolema: pelonhallintaa zombi-kuvakirjoissa
Artikkeli tarkastelee zombikuvakirjojen tapoja käsitellä zombeissa ruumiillistuvaa rumaa ja väkivaltaista kuolemaa. Se keskittyy erityisesti tapoihin, joilla zombeihin liittyviä pelkoja pyritään kuvakirjoissa hallitsemaan. Kaunistavan, tieteellisiä selityksiä painottavan estetisoinnin lisäksi se tarttuu esteettisen härmistämisen käsitteeseen, eräänlaiseen naurettavaksi tekevään rumentamiseen, jonka se liittää taikauskoon ja kuvamagiaan. Vaikka esteettistä härmistämistä voidaan pitää animistisuudessaan jossain määrin primitiivisenä ja lapsellisena esitystapana, artikkeli esittää, että se on lopulta melko yleinen populaarikulttuurinen pelonhallinnan tapa. Alentaessaan ja karnevalisoidessaan y…
Learning cultural literacy through creative practices in schools cultural and multimodal approaches to meaning-making
Introduction: Cultural Literacy and Creativity -- A Sociocultural Approach to Children’s Visual Creations -- Multimodality: Art as a Meaning-Making Process -- Tolerance, Empathy, and Inclusion -- Living Together -- Social Responsibility -- Belonging and Home -- Cultural Literacy During COVID-19 -- Conclusions: Cultural Literacy in Action -- Index. This open access book discusses how cultural literacy can be taught and learned through creative practices. It approaches cultural literacy as a dialogic social process based on learning and gaining knowledge through emphatic, tolerant, and inclusive interaction. The book focuses on meaning-making in children and young people’s visual and multimod…
Saako limasta otetta?
Lima nousi 2010-luvun lopussa jälleen lastenkulttuuriseksi hitiksi, tällä kertaa kotona itse tehtävässä muodossa. Oppia liman valmistamiseen ja käyttöön voi hakea esimerkiksi miljoonista YouTube-videoista. Limavideoita on pidetty esimerkiksi nuorten yrittäjähenkisyyden osoituksena ja osana ASMR-buumia. Mikä limassa ihastuttaa ja ällöttää? nonPeerReviewed
"Meidän maailmamme möröt ovat sisäpuolella" : muuminologian vaikutus lastenkirjallisuuden eksistentiaalisten kauhujen arvottamiseen
Lower than Low? Domesticating the Aesthetics of Horror in Childish Remakes
Policy Brief: Developing Education Policies in Europe to Enhance Cultural Literacy
Europe needs education policies that seek to advance intercultural dialogue in a way which reflects the super-diversity of today’s Europe, support respect for diversity and difference, and enable the growth of young people’s identities. The DIALLS project seeks to respond to these needs by developing the concept and idea of cultural literacy and creating a Cultural Literacy Learning Programme for young people. For DIALLS, cultural literacy means a social practice that is inherently dialogic and based on learning and gaining knowledge through empathetic, tolerant and inclusive interaction with others. DIALLS’ qualitative content and concept analysis of European and national education policy …