Berthold Weber
Age and mineralogy of supergene uranium minerals — Tools to unravel geomorphological and palaeohydrological processes in granitic terrains (Bohemian Massif, SE Germany)
Abstract Uranyl phosphates (torbernite, autunite, uranocircite, saleeite) and hydrated uranyl silicates (normal and beta-uranophane) found in various erosion levels and structures in the Late Variscan granites at the western edge of the Bohemian Massif, Germany, were the target of mineralogical investigations and age dating, using conventional and more advanced techniques such as Laser-Ablation-Inductive-Coupled-Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Supergene U minerals have an edge over other rock-forming minerals for such studies, because of their inherent ‘clock’ and their swift response to chemical and physical environmental changes on different scales. Uraniferous phoscretes and silcre…
Gemstones and geosciences in space and time
Abstract The gemstones, covering the spectrum from jeweler's to showcase quality, have been presented in a tripartite subdivision, by country, geology and geomorphology realized in 99 digital maps with more than 2600 mineralized sites. The various maps were designed based on the “Chessboard classification scheme of mineral deposits” proposed by Dill (2010a, 2010b) to reveal the interrelations between gemstone deposits and mineral deposits of other commodities and direct our thoughts to potential new target areas for exploration. A number of 33 categories were used for these digital maps: chromium, nickel, titanium, iron, manganese, copper, tin–tungsten, beryllium, lithium, zinc, calcium, bo…