Daniela Guaiana

On-line construction of two-dimensional suffix trees

We present a new technique, which we refer to as implicit updates, based on which we obtain: (a) an algorithm for the on-line construction of the Lsuffix tree of an n x n matrix A — this data structure, described in [13], is the two-dimensional analog of the suffix tree of a string; (b) simple algorithms implementing primitive operations for LZ1-type on-dine lossless image compression methods. Those methods, recently introduced by Storer [35], are generalizations of LZl-type compression methods for strings (see also [24, 31]). For the problem in (a), we get nearly an order of magnitude improvement over algorithms that can be derived from known techniques [13]. For the problem in (b), we do …

research product

On-line Construction of Two-Dimensional Suffix Trees

AbstractWe say that a data structure is builton-lineif, at any instant, we have the data structure corresponding to the input we have seen up to that instant. For instance, consider the suffix tree of a stringx[1,n]. An algorithm building iton-lineis such that, when we have read the firstisymbols ofx[1,n], we have the suffix tree forx[1,i]. We present a new technique, which we refer to asimplicit updates, based on which we obtain: (a) an algorithm for theon-lineconstruction of the Lsuffix tree of ann×nmatrixA—this data structure is the two-dimensional analog of the suffix tree of a string; (b) simple algorithms implementing primitive operations forLZ1-typeon-line losslessimage compression m…

research product