K. Saleh
The CoSMOS L-band experiment in Southeast Australia
The CoSMOS (Campaign for validating the Operation of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission) campaign was conducted during November of 2005 in the Goulburn River Catchment, in SE Australia. The main objective of CoSMOS was to obtain a series of L-band measurements from the air in order to validate the L-band emission model that will be used by the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) ground segment processor. In addition, the campaign was designed to investigate open questions including the Sun-glint effect over land, the application of polarimetric measurements over land, and to clarify the importance of dew and interception for soil moisture retrievals. This paper summarises the …
First evaluation of the simultaneous SMOS and ELBARA-II observations in the Mediterranean region
Abstract The SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) mission was launched on November 2, 2009. Over the land surfaces, simultaneous retrievals of surface soil moisture (SM) and vegetation characteristics made from the multi-angular and dual polarization SMOS observations are now available from Level-2 (L2) products delivered by the European Space Agency (ESA). Therefore, first analyses evaluating the SMOS observations in terms of Brightness Temperatures (TB) and L2 products (SM and vegetation optical depth TAU) can be carried out over several calibration/validation (cal/val) sites selected by ESA over all continents. This study is based on SMOS observations and in situ measurements carried …
CAROLS campaigns 2009: First Results
International audience; The CAROLS, L band radiometer, is built and designed as a copy of EMIRAD II radiometer of DTU team. It is a Correlation radiometer with direct sampling and fully polarimetric (i.e 4 Stockes). It will be used in conjunction with other airborne instruments (in particular the C-Band scatterometer (STORM) and IEEEC GPS system, Infrared CIMEL radiometer and one visible camera), in coordination with in situ field campaigns for SMOS CAL/VAL. The instruments are implemented on board the French research airplane ATR42. A scientific campaign with thirteen flights is realized over south-western France, Valencia site and Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean) in spring 2009. In order to…
The EuroSTARRS airborne campaign in support of the SMOS mission: first results over land surfaces
A number of experiments using ground-based and airborne sensors have shown the high potential of L-band passive microwave radiometry for estimating and monitoring surface soil moisture. This has led to the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission, a European Space Agency (ESA) Earth Explorer Opportunity mission. SMOS has the objective to observe soil moisture over land and sea surface salinity over sea, both key parameters for atmospheric, oceanographic and hydrological predictive models. In preparation of SMOS, the EuroSTARRS airborne campaign was carried out in November 2001. Multi-angular measurements of the surface brightness temperature at L-band (1.4 GHz) at vertical polarizati…
The SMOS mediterranean ecosystem L-band characterisation experiment (MELBEX) over natural shrubs
10 páginas, 5 figuras, 7 tablas.
SMOS REFLEX 2003: L-band emissivity characterization of vineyards
The goal of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission over land is to infer surface soil moisture from multiangular L-band radiometric measurements. As the canopy affects the microwave emission of land, it is necessary to characterize different vegetation layers. This paper presents the Reference Pixel L-Band Experiment (REFLEX), carried out in June-July 2003 at the Vale/spl grave/ncia Anchor Station, Spain, to study the effects of grapevines on the soil emission and on the soil moisture retrieval. A wide range of soil moisture (SM), from saturated to completely dry soil, was measured with the Universitat Polite/spl grave/cnica de Catalunya's L-band Automatic Radiometer (LAURA). Concurre…