Goran Vukurevic
Dysarthria in acute ischemic stroke: lesion topography, clinicoradiologic correlation, and etiology.
Background and purpose: Although dysarthria is a frequent symptom in cerebral ischemia, there is little information on its anatomic specificity, spectrum of associated clinical characteristics, and etiologic mechanisms. Methods: An investigation of 68 consecutive patients with sudden onset of dysarthria due to a single infarction confirmed by MRI or CT was conducted. Results: Dysarthria was associated with a classic lacunar stroke syndrome in 52.9% of patients. Isolated dysarthria and dysarthria–central facial and lingual paresis occurred in 2.9% (n = 2) and 10.3% (n = 7), respectively. Dysarthria–clumsy hand syndrome was observed in 11.7% (n = 8) of patients and associated with pure motor …
Distribution and course of cortico-respiratory projections for voluntary activation in man
The function and course of the cortico-respiratory projections in man are not yet well established. In 30 normal volunteers respiratory muscles were activated by magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex and the cervical and thoracic spinal roots with bilateral recordings from the respiratory muscles. Following cortical stimulation contralateral responses were obtained in all subjects during voluntary inspiration showing a mean latency and amplitude of 13.4±1.4ms/1.6±1.2 mV (stimulation of the left hemisphere) and 13.2±1.3ms/2.5±2.5 mV (stimulation of the right hemisphere). Ipsilateral responses were obtained in only 18 (right side) and 21 (left side) subjects and had a significantly (p < 0.…
Topodiagnostik ischämisch bedingter Dysarthrophonien
In einer prospektiven Studie untersuchetn wir 106 konsekutiv eingeschlossene Patienten mit apoplektiform auftretender Dysarthrophonie aufgrund eines im MRT gesicherten singluaren, nicht raumfordernden Infarkts.