A Sansone Santamaria
The response behaviour of LiF:Mg,Cu,P thermoluminescence dosimeters to high-energy electron beams used in radiotherapy
To ensure the effectiveness of radiation-therapy treatments, both in-phantom and in-patient reliable dose measurements are required. Thermoluminescence dosimeters are used commonly for both applications. Among the various available materials, the relatively new LiF:Mg,Cu,P phosphor is a suitable candidate for quality control of in vivo dosimetry in electron-beam therapy. The response behaviour of LiF:Mg,Cu,P chips to 6-21 MeV electron beams used in radiotherapy was studied. Batch homogeneity, dose linearity, sensitivity change after use, dose and dose-rate response, energy dependence and fading characteristics were investigated. The contribution from each factor to the overall uncertainty i…
Comparison between dynamic and static measurements of RF electromagnetic fields
In this paper the electromagnetic fields measured in dynamic way and static way are compared. The experimental tests are been carried out using a car, and over that a GPS antenna and a EMC receiver is been installed, equipped with a data treatment software; 6-minutes static measurements and dynamic ones is been carried out. In the selected area for the measurements (called Monte Pellegrino (PA)) there are many radio-TV antennas. The results of experimental tests are thematic charts, automatically generated, of EMC field measured in dynamic way, compared with static measurements of EMC fields. A statistic analysis of measured data in both ways (static and dynamic) has been done, and there is…
Mappatura acustica del centro storico di Palermo
Gli Autori nell’ambito della collaborazione tra il Dipartimento di Rappresentazione dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo ed il laboratorio Agenti Fisici di Palermo dell’Arpa Sicilia, hanno completato la prima mappatura acustica del centro storico di Palermo. Il D.Lgs. 19 agosto 2005 n. 194 prevede, a cura delle Regioni e delle Province Autonome, l’elaborazione delle mappe acustiche strategiche degli agglomerati urbani la cui popolazione complessiva sia superiore a 100.000 abitanti e dalle stesse individuati con legge. Entro il 30 giugno 2007 avrebbero dovuto essere predisposte le mappe acustiche delle aree urbane con popolazione superiore a 250.000 abitanti mentre il termine previsto per …