Exclusive production of light vector mesons at next-to-leading order in the dipole picture
Exclusive production of light vector mesons in deep inelastic scattering is calculated at next-to-leading order in the dipole picture in the limit of high photon virtuality. The resulting expression is free of any divergences and suitable for numerical evaluations. The higher-order corrections are found to be numerically important, but they can be mostly captured by the nonperturbative fit parameters describing the initial condition for the small-$x$ evolution of the dipole scattering amplitude. The vector meson production cross section is shown to depend only weakly on the meson distribution amplitude and the factorization scale. We also present phenomenological comparisons of our result t…
Higher-order corrections to exclusive heavy vector meson production
We present results for higher-order corrections to exclusive $\mathrm{J}/\psi$ production. This includes the first relativistic correction of order $v^2$ in quark velocity, and next-to-leading order corrections in $\alpha_s$ for longitudinally polarized production. The relativistic corrections are found to be important for a good description of the HERA data, especially at small values of the photon virtuality. The next-to-leading order results for longitudinal production are evaluated numerically. We also demonstrate how the vector meson production provides complementary information to the structure functions for extracting the initial condition for the small-$x$ evolution of the dipole-pr…
Relativistic corrections to the vector meson light front wave function
We compute a light front wave function for heavy vector mesons based on long distance matrix elements constrained by decay width analyses in the Non Relativistic QCD framework. Our approach provides a systematic expansion of the wave function in quark velocity. The first relativistic correction included in our calculation is found to be significant, and crucial for a good description of the HERA exclusive $\mathrm{J}/\psi$ production data. When looking at cross section ratios between nuclear and proton targets, the wave function dependence does not cancel out exactly. In particular the fully non-relativistic limit is found not to be a reliable approximation even in this ratio. The important…
Complete calculation of exclusive heavy vector meson production at next-to-leading order in the dipole picture
Exclusive production of transversely polarized heavy vector mesons in deep inelastic scattering at high energy is calculated at next-to-leading order accuracy in the Color Glass Condensate framework. In addition to the first QCD correction proportional to the strong coupling constant $\alpha_s$, we systematically also include the first relativistic correction proportional to the heavy quark velocity squared $v^2$. When combined with our previously published results for longitudinal vector meson production at next-to-leading order accuracy, these results make phenomenological calculations of heavy vector meson production possible at the order $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s v^0, \alpha_s^0 v^2)$. When…
Exclusive heavy vector meson production at next-to-leading order in the dipole picture
We calculate exclusive production of a longitudinally polarized heavy vector meson at next-to-leading order in the dipole picture. The large quark mass allows us to separately include both the first QCD correction proportional to the coupling constant $\alpha_s$, and the first relativistic correction suppressed by the quark velocity $v^2$. Both of these corrections are found to be numerically important in $\mathrm{J}/\psi$ production. The results obtained are directly suitable for phenomenological calculations. We also demonstrate how vector meson production provides complementary information to structure function analyses when one extracts the initial condition for the energy evolution of …
Proton Structure Functions at Next-to-Leading Order in the Dipole Picture with Massive Quarks
We predict heavy quark production cross sections in deep inelastic scattering at high energy by applying the color glass condensate effective theory. We demonstrate that, when the calculation is performed consistently at next-to-leading order accuracy with massive quarks, it becomes possible, for the first time in the dipole picture with perturbatively calculated center-of-mass energy evolution, to simultaneously describe both the light and heavy quark production data at small xBj. Furthermore, we show how the heavy quark cross section data provides additional strong constraints on the extracted nonperturbative initial condition for the small-xBj evolution equations.
Diffractive Processes at Next-to-Leading Order in the Dipole Picture
Diffraktiiviset prosessit ovat korkean energian rajalla sensitiivisiä kohdehiukkasen gluonijakaumalle, mistä johtuen niiden avulla voidaan tutkia kohdetta kvanttiväridynamiikan epälineaarisessa alueessa. Näiden epälineaaristen ilmiöiden odotetaan johtavan gluonisaturaatioon, jota voidaan kuvata luontevasti värilasikondensaatiksi kutsutun efektiivisen kenttäteorian avulla. Vaikka saatavilla olevassa kokeellisessa datassa onkin vahvoja viitteitä gluonisaturaatiosta, yksiselitteistä merkkiä saturaatiosta ei ole havaittu. Tämän vuoksi on tärkeää parantaa saturaatiolle sensitiivisten prosessien teoreettista ymmärrystä, jotta pystytään löytämään selkeitä eroja kvanttiväridynamiikan lineaarisen ja…