Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Using CNN-RNN and Transfer Learning
Cognitive radio has been proposed to improve spectrum utilization in wireless communication. Spectrum sensing is an essential component of cognitive radio. The traditional methods of spectrum sensing are based on feature extraction of a received signal at a given point. The development in artificial intelligence and deep learning have given an opportunity to improve the accuracy of spectrum sensing by using cooperative spectrum sensing and analyzing the radio scene. This research proposed a hybrid model of convolution and recurrent neural network for spectrum sensing. The research further enhances the accuracy of sensing for low SNR signals through transfer learning. The results of modellin…
Blockchain based Device identification and authentication in a Smart Grid
The power grid is a critical infrastructure of a country that needs protection and security. According to the report of the International Energy Agency, the electricity demand is constantly increasing the world over. Countries are moving towards green energy and efforts are being made to integrate these green energy into the main grid. Smart Grid will improve the reliability and efficiency of the grid by managing the energy demand. Cyber-attacks and cyber terrorism is also increasingly targeting the electrical grid. Intruders may try to gain access to the grid by exploiting the vulnerability of the grid. IEDs/devices are the endpoints of the network and they are the weakest link in the enti…