G. Viegi
Effects of pet exposure in the first year of life on respiratory and allergic symptoms in 7-yr-old children. The SIDRIA-2 study
Lombardi E, Simoni M, La Grutta S, Viegi G, Bisanti L, Chellini E, Dell’Orco V, Migliore E, Petronio MG, Pistelli R, Rusconi F, Sestini P, Forastiere F, Galassi C and the SIDRIA-2 Collaborative Group. Effects of pet exposure in the first year of life on respiratory and allergic symptoms in 7-yr-old children. The SIDRIA-2 study. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2010: 21: 268–276. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S The effects of pet exposure on the development of respiratory symptoms have recently been the matter of vivid discussion. Our objective was to determine the effects of exposure to cat or dog in the first year of life on subsequent respiratory/allergic symptoms in children in a large Italian multi…
Analisi delle evidenze epidemiologiche sui fattori di rischio indoor per malattie respiratorie e allergiche nelle strutture scolastiche [Analysis of epidemiologic evidence on risk factors for respiratory and allergic diseases in school buildings]
Il diritto a respirare aria sana nelle scuole è stato sancito già nell’anno 2001 in un documento dell’European Federation of Asthma and Allergy Associations che ha evidenziato scarsa attenzione e assenza di direttive specifiche dell’Unione Europea relativamente agli effetti sulla salute da inquinamento dell’aria nelle scuole, ed è sostenuto dal numero enorme di bambini e ragazzi che frequentano le aule scolastiche. Negli ultimi anni, a livello europeo si è sviluppato un sempre crescente interesse nei confronti dell’effetto della qualità dell’aria dell’indoor scolastico (IAQ) sulla salute dei ragazzi, e sono stati avviati numerosi progetti di ricerca internazionali mirati, appunto, a determi…
MOESM1 of Scaling up strategies of the chronic respiratory disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (Action Plan B3: Area 5)
Additional file 1. IPCRG scaling up activities.
Proportional Venn diagram and determinants of allergic respiratory diseases in Italian adolescents
Large variations in prevalence of atopy and allergic diseases are reported worldwide in children, but in epidemiological studies the use of skin prick tests (SPT) and spirometry along with questionnaires is not common in the Mediterranean Area. The present work was aimed at evaluating the prevalence of current asthma (CA), rhinoconjunctivitis (RC), and eczema (E), with atopy and respiratory function, and the role of risk factors for allergic respiratory diseases. A total of 2150 Italian schoolchildren were cross-sectionally investigated through respiratory questionnaire, SPT, and spirometry. A proportional Venn diagram quantified the distribution of CA, RC, and E, stratifying for allergic s…
Sensitization to dust mite defines different phenotypes of asthma: A multicenter study
Background Indoor allergens are risk factors for asthma: Thus, the characterization of indoor air quality is important for studying environment–health relationships in children. In particular, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus is the dominant allergen for asthma. We cross-sectionally investigated the relationships among respiratory symptoms and function, airway inflammation, allergen sensitization, and indoor allergen concentration. Methods One hundred and thirty-two children aging 10-14 years and living in a Southern Mediterranean area were evaluated by parental questionnaires. Spirometry, exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), skin prick tests, total, and specific serum IgE analyses were performed alo…
Longitudinal Asthma Patterns in Italian Adult General Population Samples: Host and Environmental Risk Factors.
Background: Asthma patterns are not well established in epidemiological studies. Aim: To assess asthma patterns and risk factors in an adult general population sample. Methods: In total, 452 individuals reporting asthma symptoms/diagnosis in previous surveys participated in the AGAVE survey (2011–2014). Latent transition analysis (LTA) was performed to detect baseline and 12-month follow-up asthma phenotypes and longitudinal patterns. Risk factors associated with longitudinal patterns were assessed through multinomial logistic regression. Results: LTA detected four longitudinal patterns: persistent asthma diagnosis with symptoms, 27.2%
Maternal complications and procedures in pregnancy and at birth and wheezing phenotypes in children
There is increasing interest in the potential influence of fetal and early life conditions on childhood wheezing.To investigate the associations between maternal complications and procedures in pregnancy and at birth and the risk of various wheezing phenotypes in young children.We studied 15,609 children, aged 6-7 yr, enrolled in a population-based study. Standardized questionnaires were completed by the children's mothers.Of the children, 9.5% (1,478) had transient early wheezing, 5.4% (884) had persistent wheezing, and 6.1% (948) had late-onset wheezing. Maternal hypertension or preeclampsia was associated with an increased risk of all three wheezing phenotypes (for transient early wheezi…
Guidance to 2018 good practice: ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma
AIMS: Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK (MASK) belongs to the Fondation Partenariale MACVIA-LR of Montpellier, France and aims to provide an active and healthy life to rhinitis sufferers and to those with asthma multimorbidity across the life cycle, whatever their gender or socio-economic status, in order to reduce health and social inequities incurred by the disease and to improve the digital transformation of health and care. The ultimate goal is to change the management strategy in chronic diseases. METHODS: MASK implements ICT technologies for individualized and predictive medicine to develop novel care pathways by a multi-disciplinary group centred around the patients. STAKEHOLDERS: Incl…
Association of Blattella germanica sensitization with atopic diseases in pediatric allergic patients
The extent to which the sensitization to the German cockroach Blattella germanica (BG) affects onset/presence of rhinoconjunctivitis (RC) in children is unknown.
Correlation between work impairment, scores of rhinitis severity and asthma using the MASK-air ® App
Background: In allergic rhinitis, a relevant outcome providing information on the effectiveness of interventions is needed. In MASK-air (Mobile Airways Sentinel Network), a visual analogue scale (VAS) for work is used as a relevant outcome. This study aimed to assess the performance of the work VAS work by comparing VAS work with other VAS measurements and symptom-medication scores obtained concurrently. Methods: All consecutive MASK-air users in 23 countries from 1 June 2016 to 31 October 2018 were included (14 189 users; 205 904 days). Geolocalized users self-assessed daily symptom control using the touchscreen functionality on their smart phone to click on VAS scores (ranging from 0 to 1…
Issue 1 - “Update on adverse respiratory effects of outdoor air pollution”. Part 1): Outdoor air pollution and respiratory diseases: A general update and an Italian perspective
Objective: to summarize the main updated evidence about the health effects of air pollution and to focus on Italian epidemiological experiences on the respiratory effects. Results: The recent literature indicates that there is strong evidence for causal relationships between PM2.5 air pollution exposure and all-cause mortality as well as mortality from acute lower respiratory infections, ischaemic heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer. A growing body of evidence also suggests causal relationships with type II diabetes and impacts on neonatal mortality from low birth weight and short gestation as well as neurologic effects in both children and adults. …