W. Lauth

Recent developments with microchannel-plate PMTs

Abstract Microchannel-plate (MCP) PMTs are the favored photon sensors for the DIRC detectors of the PANDA experiment at FAIR. Until recently the main drawback of MCP-PMTs were serious aging effects which led to a limited lifetime due to a rapidly decreasing quantum efficiency (QE) of the photo cathode (PC) as the integrated anode charge (IAC) increased. In the latest models of PHOTONIS and Hamamatsu an innovative atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique is applied to overcome these limitations. During the last five years comprehensive aging tests with ALD coated MCP-PMTs were performed and the results were compared to tubes treated with other techniques. The QE in dependence of the IAC was m…

research product

Prototyping the PANDA Barrel DIRC

The design of the Barrel DIRC detector for the future PANDA experiment at FAIR contains several important improvements compared to the successful BABAR DIRC, such as focusing and fast timing. To test those improvements as well as other design options a prototype was build and successfully tested in 2012 with particle beams at CERN. The prototype comprises a radiator bar, focusing lens, mirror, and a prism shaped expansion volume made of synthetic fused silica. An array of micro-channel plate photomultiplier tubes measures the location and arrival time of the Cherenkov photons with sub-nanosecond resolution. The development of a fast reconstruction algorithm allowed to tune construction deta…

research product

Tremendously increased lifetime of MCP-PMTs

Abstract Microchannel plate (MCP) PMTs are very attractive photon sensors for low light level applications in strong magnetic fields. However, until recently the main drawback of MCP-PMTs was their aging behavior which manifests itself in a limited lifetime due to a rapidly decreasing quantum efficiency (QE) of the photo cathode (PC) as the integrated anode charge (IAC) increases. In the latest models of PHOTONIS, Hamamatsu, and BINP novel techniques are applied to avoid these aging effects which are supposed to be mainly caused by feedback ion impinging on the PC and damaging it. For more than four years we are running a long-term aging test with new lifetime-enhanced MCP-PMT models by sim…

research product

A Disc-DIRC Cherenkov detector with high resolution micro channel plate photomultiplier tubes

The upcoming PANDA Experiment at FAIR in Germany will be equipped with a novel Cherenkov detector type for high-energy particle identification. This very compact Disc-DIRC detector uses a large disc-shaped fused silica plate of 2 cm thickness as its Cherenkov radiator. The internally reflected Cherenkov light is transported to the rim of the disc where it is focused by quartz light guides onto microchannel plate photomultiplier tubes (MCP-PMTs) with high spatial resolution (pitch 0.5 mm) and high time resolution (σ ≈ 100 ps). The device has an active area of about 3 m2 and will be able to identify pions and kaons with a separation power of more than 3σ in the momentum range up to 4 GeV/c. I…

research product

Fast Frontend Electronics for high luminosity particle detectors

Future experiments of nuclear and particle physics are moving towards the high luminosity regime, in order to access suppressed processes like rare B decays or exotic charmonium resonances. In this scenario, high rate capability is a key requirement for electronics instrumentation, together with excellent timing resolution for precise event reconstruction. The development of dedicated FrontEnd Electronics (FEE) for detectors has become increasingly challenging. A current trend in R&D is towards multipurpose FEE which can be easily adapted to a great variety of detectors, without impairing the required high performance. We report on high-precision timing solutions which utilise high-band…

research product

The PANDA DIRC Detectors at FAIR

The PANDA detector at the international accelerator Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe (FAIR) addresses fundamental questions of hadron physics. An excellent hadronic particle identification (PID) will be accomplished by two DIRC (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) counters in the target spectrometer. The design for the barrel region covering polar angles between 22 deg. to 140 deg. is based on the successful BABAR DIRC with several key improvements, such as fast photon timing and a compact imaging region. The novel Endcap Disc DIRC will cover the smaller forward angles between 5 deg. (10 deg.) to 22 deg. in the vertical (horizontal) direction. Both DIRC coun…

research product


The PANDA detector at the international accelerator Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe (FAIR) addresses fundamental questions of hadron physics. Experiments concerning charmonium spectroscopy, the search for hybrids and glueballs and the interaction of hidden and open charm particles with nucleons and nuclei will be performed with antiproton beams impinging on hydrogen or nuclear targets. Cooled beams allow the precision scan of resonances in formation experiments. The momentum range of the antiproton beam between 1.5 GeV/c and 15 GeV/c tests predictions by perturbation theory and will reveal deviations originating from strong QCD . An excellent hadronic particle identificat…

research product

The Endcap Disc DIRC of PANDA

Abstract The Endcap Disc DIRC (EDD) for PANDA has been designed to identify traversing pions, kaons and protons in the future PANDA experiment. Its central part is a 2 cm thick fused silica plate. Focussing optics are attached to the outer rim of the plate, outside of the acceptance of the experiment. Fast, high-resolution MCP-PMTs, designed to register single Cherenkov photons, have been tested in magnetic field. Filters limit the spectral acceptance of the sensors to reduce dispersion effects and to extend their lifetime. A compact and fast readout is realized with ASICs. Analytical reconstruction algorithms allow for fast particle identification. The angular resolution of a DIRC prototyp…

research product

Feasibility study for the measurement of πN transition distribution amplitudes at P¯ANDA in p¯p→J/ψπ0

The exclusive charmonium production process in (P) over barp annihilation with an associated pi 0 meson (p) over barp -> J/psi pi(0) is studied in the framework of QCD collinear factorization. The feasibility of measuring this reaction through the J/psi -> e(+) e(-) decay channel with the AntiProton ANnihilation at DArmstadt ((P) over bar ANDA) experiment is investigated. Simulations on signal reconstruction efficiency as well as the background rejection from various sources including the (P) over barp -> pi(+)pi(-)pi(0) and (p) over barp -> J/psi pi(0)pi(0) reactions are performed with PANDAROOT, the simulation and analysis software framework of the (P) over bar ANDA experiment. It is show…

research product

Tests and developments of the PANDA Endcap Disc DIRC

The PANDA experiment at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) requires excellent particle identification. Two different DIRC detectors will utilize internally reflected Cherenkov light of charged particles to enable the separation of pions and kaons up to momenta of 4 GeV/c. The Endcap Disc DIRC will be placed in the forward endcap of PANDA's central spectrometer covering polar angles between 5° and 22°. Its final design is based on MCP-PMTs for the photon detection and an optical system made of fused silica. A new prototype has been investigated during a test beam at CERN in May 2015 and first results will be presented. In addition a new synthetic fused silica material…

research product

Detector response of Cherenkov radiators for calorimetry in the energy range below 14 MeV

Abstract A study of the detector response of PbF 2  crystals and three different types of lead glass blocks to electrons from a 14-MeV beam of the Mainz Microtron MAMI is presented. For the first time, signal height, signal width, and homogeneity of the response of these Cherenkov radiators were determined for energies between 10 and 14 MeV. To complement the beam tests, optical properties of the materials, in particular measured transmittances in the near UV and visible spectrum, were studied. The measured detector responses were also compared to Monte Carlo simulations of energy-loss, light production, transport, and detection. These Cherenkov radiators are considered as active material o…

research product

Novel optical interferometry of synchrotron radiation for absolute electron beam energy measurements

Abstract A novel interferometric method is presented for the measurement of the absolute energy of electron beams. In the year 2016, a pioneering experiment was performed using a 195 MeV beam of the Mainz Microtron (MAMI). The experimental setup consisted of two collinear magnetic undulators as sources of coherent optical synchrotron light and a high-resolving grating monochromator. Beam energy measurements required the variation of the relative undulator distance in the decimeter range and the analysis of the intensity oscillation length in the interference spectrum. A statistical precision of 1 keV was achieved in 1 h of data taking, while systematic uncertainties of 700 keV were present …

research product

The PANDA Endcap Disc DIRC

Journal of Instrumentation 13(02), C02002 - C02002 (2018). doi:10.1088/1748-0221/13/02/C02002

research product

The Barrel DIRC detector of PANDA

The PANDA experiment is one of the four large experiments being built at FAIR in Darmstadt. It will use a cooled antiproton beam on a fixed target within the momentum range of 1.5 to 15 GeV/c to address questions of strong QCD, where the coupling constant $\alpha_s \gtrsim 0.3$. The luminosity of up to $2 \cdot 10^{32} cm^{-2}s^{-1}$ and the momentum resolution of the antiproton beam down to \mbox{$\Delta$p/p = 4$\cdot10^{-5}$} allows for high precision spectroscopy, especially for rare reaction processes. Above the production threshold for open charm mesons the production of kaons plays an important role for identifying the reaction. The DIRC principle allows for a compact particle identif…

research product

Breakthrough in the lifetime of microchannel plate photomultipliers

Abstract Cherenkov detectors using the DIRC (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light) principle are foreseen for particle identification in the P ¯ ANDA experiment at FAIR. Promising sensors for the detection of the Cherenkov light are the so-called micro-channel plate (MCP) photomultipliers (PMT). They have an excellent time resolution, can be operated at high gain for single photon detection and have a high resistivity against magnetic fields. The disadvantage of these devices was their limited lifetime, due to damage by feedback ions on the photocathode. The lifetime of various types of MCP-PMTs from different manufactures has been tested under conditions similar to that in the…

research product

Timing in a FLASH

Abstract A prototype detector, called FLASH (Fast Light Acquiring Start Hodoscope), was built to provide precise Time-of-Flight (TOF) measurements and reference timestamps for detector setups at external beam lines. Radiator bars, made of synthetic fused silica, were coupled to a fast MCP-PMT with 64 channels and read out with custom electronics using Time-over-Threshold (TOT) for signal characterization. The TRB3 system, a high-precision TDC implemented in an FPGA, was used as data acquisition system. The performance of a system consisting of two FLASH units was investigated at a dedicated test experiment at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI) accelerator using its 855 MeV electron beam. The TOT me…

research product

Electron beam studies of light collection in a scintillating counter with embedded fibers

The light collection of several fiber configurations embedded in a box-shaped plastic scintillating counter was studied by scanning with minimum ionizing electrons. The light was read out by silicon photomultipliers at both ends. The light yield produced by the 855-MeV beam of the Mainz Microtron showed a strong dependence on the transverse distance from the beam position to the fibers. The observations were modeled by attributing the collection of indirect light inside of the counter and of direct light reaching a fiber to the total light yield. The light collection with fibers was compared to that of a scintillating counter without fibers. These studies were carried out within the develop…

research product

Study of doubly strange systems using stored antiprotons

Bound nuclear systems with two units of strangeness are still poorly known despite their importance for many strong interaction phenomena. Stored antiprotons beams in the GeV range represent an unparalleled factory for various hyperon-antihyperon pairs. Their outstanding large production probability in antiproton collisions will open the floodgates for a series of new studies of systems which contain two or even more units of strangeness at the PANDA experiment at FAIR. For the first time, high resolution gamma-spectroscopy of doubly strange Lambda Lambda-hypernuclei will be performed, thus complementing measurements of ground state decays of Lambda Lambda-hypernuclei at J-PARC or possible …

research product

Time performance of a triple-GEM detector at high rate

Gaseous detectors are used in high energy physics as trackers or, more generally, as devices for the measurement of the particle position. For this reason, they must provide high spatial resolution and they have to be able to operate in regions of intense radiation, i.e. around the interaction point of collider machines. Among these, Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD) are the latest frontier and allow to overcome many limitations of the pre-existing detectors, such as the radiation tolerance and the rate capability. The gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) is a MPGD that exploits an intense electric field in a reduced amplification region in order to prevent discharges. Several amplification s…

research product


The PANDA experiment at the international accelerator Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe (FAIR) near GSI, Darmstadt, Germany will address fundamental questions of hadron physics. Excellent Particle Identification (PID) over a large range of solid angles and particle momenta will be essential to meet the objectives of the rich physics program. Charged PID for the barrel region of the PANDA target spectrometer will be provided by a DIRC (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) detector. The Barrel DIRC will cover the polar angle range of 22$^\circ$-140$^\circ$ and cleanly separate charged pions from kaons for momenta between 0.5 GeV/c and 3.5 GeV/c with a separation…

research product

Recent results with lifetime enhanced microchannel-plate photomultipliers

Abstract The favored photon sensors for the DIRC (detection of internally reflected Cherenkov light) detectors at the PANDA (Anti-proton Annihilation at Darmstadt) experiment at FAIR (Facility for anti-proton and ion research) are micro-channel-plate photomultipliers (MCP-PMTs). The main problem until a few years ago was the limited lifetime of the MCP-PMTs caused by a rapid decrease in quantum efficiency (QE) of the photo cathode (PC) with increasing integrated anode charge (IAC). These limitations are overcome by applying an atomic layer deposition (ALD) coating on the MCPs, as recently done by PHOTONIS and Hamamatsu. During the last years’ tests of lifetime enhanced MCP-PMTs were perform…

research product

Design study for a 500 MeV positron beam at the Mainz Microtron MAMI

A design study has been performed for a positron beam with an energy of 500 MeV to be realized at the applied physics area of the Mainz Microtron MAMI. Positrons will be created after pair conversion of bremsstrahlung, produced by the 855 MeV electron beam af MAMI in a tungsten converter target. From the two conceivable geometries (i) pair conversion in the bremsstrahlung converter target itself, and (ii) bremsstrahlung pair conversion in a separated lead foil, the former was considered in detail. Positrons will be energy selected within an outside open electron beam-line bending magnet, and bent back by an additional sector magnet. Magnetic focusing elements in between are designed to prep…

research product

The DIRC detectors at the PANDA experiment

PANDA is an experiment at the new FAIR facility at GSI and will, among other physics goals,\ud perform charmonium spectroscopy and search for gluonic excitations using high luminosity antiproton beams up to 15 GeV/c. A high performance particle identification system applying DIRC\ud detectors will allow pion/kaon separation up to 4 GeV/c. A Barrel DIRC with fused silica radiator bars or plates will surround the target at a radial distance of 48 cm and will cover a polar\ud angle range of 22 to 140 degrees; a novel Endcap Disk DIRC built of a segmented fused silica\ud disk of 210 cm diameter will be installed in the forward region to cover the polar angles from\ud 5 to 22 degrees. The design…

research product

Frontend electronics for high-precision single photo-electron timing using FPGA-TDCs

Abstract The next generation of high-luminosity experiments requires excellent particle identification detectors which calls for Imaging Cherenkov counters with fast electronics to cope with the expected hit rates. A Barrel DIRC will be used in the central region of the Target Spectrometer of the planned PANDA experiment at FAIR. A single photo-electron timing resolution of better than 100 ps is required by the Barrel DIRC to disentangle the complicated patterns created on the image plane. R&D studies have been performed to provide a design based on the TRB3 readout using FPGA-TDCs with a precision better than 20 ps RMS and custom frontend electronics with high-bandwidth pre-amplifiers and …

research product


The dechanneling process of electrons in silicon single crystals has been studied at the Mainz Microtron MAMI for (110)-planar channeling of electrons at beam energies between 195 and 855 MeV. Dechanneling lengths were derived from a high and a low energy loss signal of the electrons which were recorded as function of the crystal orientation with respect to the beam direction for various crystal thicknesses in the range between 14.7 µm and 467 µm. The high energy loss signal corresponds to an energy loss of about 75 % of the total electron energy by emission of a bremsstrahlung photon, while the low energy signal to an energy loss of 0.7-1.7 % by emission of channelling radiation. While th…

research product

Lifetime of MCP-PMTs and other performance features

The ANDA experiment at FAIR will use DIRC detectors for the separation of hadrons. The compactness of the ANDA detector requires the image planes of these detectors to be placed inside the magnetic field of the solenoid. Due to this and other boundary conditions MCP-PMTs were identified as the only suitable photon sensors. Until recently the major obstacle for an application of MCP-PMTs in high rate experiments like ANDA were serious aging problems which led to damage at the photo-cathode and a fast declining quantum efficiency as the integrated anode charge (IAC) increased. With new countermeasures against the aging, in particular due to the application of an atomic layer deposition (ALD) …

research product

On the Line Shape of Backward Emitted Parametric X-Radiation

Parametric X radiation, emitted in opposite direction of an electron which traverses a semi infinite single crystal on a hypothetical straight trajectory, features a Lorentzian line shape with extremely narrow width. However, small angle scattering of the electron in the Coulomb potential of the crystal atoms results in a stochastic change of the electron direction. The latter leads to a line broadening which can be understood essentially as a stochastic frequency modulation of the exponentially damped wave train. The line shape has been calculated analytically by well known probabilistic methods. Results are quoted for various reflections of a silicon single crystal at an electron beam ene…

research product

Gain stabilization and noise minimization for SiPMs at cryogenic temperatures

Abstract The performance of solid-state photon detectors such as avalanche photodiodes or silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) is strongly affected by temperature. Important device characteristics for the detection of low light levels or single photons are photon detection efficiency, dark noise, and gain. In the present work the C-series SiPMs from SensL was characterized in cryogenic environments. At 77  K the SiPMs proved to be an excellent choice for single photon detection and an operation point with minimum noise contributions was found. At 4  K the performance was degraded, exhibiting a smaller gain and a larger noise.

research product

New developments of the PANDA Disc DIRC detector

The DIRC principle (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) allows a very compact\ud approach for particle identification detectors. The PANDA detector at the future FAIR facility at\ud GSI will use a Barrel-DIRC for the central region and a Disc DIRC for the forward angular region\ud between 5◦\ud and 22◦\ud . It will be the first time that a Disc DIRC is used in a high performance 4π\ud detector. To achieve this aim, different designs and technologies have been evaluated and tested.\ud This article will focus on the mechanical design and integration of the Disc DIRC with respect to\ud the PANDA environment.

research product

Enhanced electromagnetic radiation in oriented scintillating crystals at the 100-MeV and sub-GeV scales

research product

Channeling experiments at planar diamond and silicon single crystals with electrons from the Mainz Microtron MAMI

Line structures were observed for (110) planar channeling of electrons in a diamond single crystal even at a beam energy of 180 MeV . This observation motivated us to initiate dechanneling length measurements as function of the beam energy since the occupation of quantum states in the channeling potential is expected to enhance the dechanneling length. High energy loss signals, generated as a result of emission of a bremsstrahlung photon with about half the beam energy at channeling of 450 and 855 MeV electrons, were measured as function of the crystal thickness. The analysis required additional assumptions which were extracted from the numerical solution of the Fokker-Planck equation. Prel…

research product

Improved lifetime of microchannel-plate PMTs

Abstract The charged particle identification at the PANDA experiment will be mainly performed with DIRC detectors. Because of their advantageous properties the preferred photon sensors are MCP-PMTs. However, until recently these devices showed serious aging problems which resulted in a diminishing quantum efficiency (QE) of the photo cathode. By applying innovative countermeasures against the aging causes, the manufacturers recently succeeded in drastically improving the lifetime of MCP-PMTs. Especially the application of an ALD coating technique to seal the material of the micro-channels proves very powerful and results in a lifetime of ≈ 6 C / cm 2 integrated anode charge without a substa…

research product

Resolution changes of MCP-PMTs in magnetic fields

Micro-channel plate photomultiplier tubes (MCP-PMTs) are chosen in many applications that have to cope with strong magnetic fields. The DIRC detectors of the PANDA experiment plan to employ them as they show excellent timing characteristics, radiation hardness, relatively low dark count rates and sufficient lifetime. This article mainly focuses on the performance of the position reconstruction of detected photons. Two different MCP-PMTs with segmented anode geometries have been tested in magnetic fields of different strengths. The variation of their performance has been studied. The measurements show improved position resolution and image shifts with increasing magnetic field strength.

research product

Simulation and reconstruction of the PANDA Barrel DIRC

Hadronic particle identification (PID) in the barrel region of the PANDA experiment at the new Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe (FAIR) at GSI, Darmstadt will be provided by a DIRC (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) counter. To optimize the performance and reduce the detector cost, detailed simulations of different design elements, such as the width of the radiators, the shape of the expansion volume, and the type of focusing system, were performed using Geant. Custom reconstruction algorithms were developed to match the detector geometry. We will discuss the single photon resolution and photon yield as well as the PID performance for the Barrel DIRC baseli…

research product

The Endcap Disc DIRC detector of PANDA

Abstract At the international FAIR laboratory, an upcoming significant enlargement of the GSI installations near Darmstadt, Germany, the PANDA antiproton experiment will investigate fundamental questions of hadron physics in the charm quark energy range. Antiprotons in the 1.5 to15 GeV/c momentum range will interact with gas jet or pellet fixed targets. The Endcap Disc DIRC (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) covers the forward endcap solid angle of the PANDA target spectrometer to positively identify charged kaons. Monte-Carlo simulations indicate that from 1 up to 4 GeV/c one can achieve kaon–pion separation with a separation power of at least 3 standard deviations. For th…

research product

Direct Measurement of Focusing Fields in Active Plasma Lenses

Active plasma lenses have the potential to enable broad-ranging applications of plasma-based accelerators owing to their compact design and radially symmetric kT/m-level focusing fields, facilitating beam-quality preservation and compact beam transport. We report on the direct measurement of magnetic field gradients in active plasma lenses and demonstrate their impact on the emittance of a charged particle beam. This is made possible by the use of a well-characterized electron beam with 1.4 mm mrad normalized emittance from a conventional accelerator. Field gradients of up to 823 T/m are investigated. The observed emittance evolution is supported by numerical simulations, which suggest the …

research product

Endcap Disc DIRC for PANDA at FAIR

The Endcap Disc DIRC (EDD) has been developed to provide an excellent particle identification in the future PANDA experiment by separating pions and kaons up to a momentum of 4 GeV/c with a separation power of 3 s.d.. The detector is placed in the forward endcap of the PANDA target spectrometer. It consists of a fused silica plate and focusing elements placed at the outer rim, which focus the Cherenkov light on the photo cathodes of the attached MCP-PMTs. A compact and fast readout of the signals is realized with special ASICs. The performance has been studied and validated with different prototype setups in various testbeam facilities.

research product

Frontend Electronics for high-precision single photo-electron timing

The next generation of high-luminosity experiments requires excellent particle identification detectors, which calls for imaging Cherenkov counters with fast electronics to cope with the expected hit rates. A Barrel DIRC will be used in the central region of the Target Spectrometer\ud of the planned PANDA experiment at FAIR. A single photo-electron timing resolution of better\ud than 100 ps RMS is required for the Barrel DIRC to disentangle the complicated patterns created\ud on the image plane. R&D studies have been performed to provide a design based on the TRB3\ud readout using FPGA-TDCs with a typical precision of 10 ps RMS and custom frontend electronics with high-bandwidth pre-amp…

research product