M. González

Regulación de las modificaciones óseas en la madre durante la gestación

El embarazo constituye un modelo donde se produce el desarrollo del esqueleto fetal en un corto lapso de tiempo. Este logro se lleva a cabo bajo la tutela del propio feto, que gobierna este proceso a través de las señales generadas en la denominada unidad feto-placentaria. El organismo materno sufre un proceso de adaptación donde se produce un drástico reajuste en mecanismos implicados en el recambio óseo. Entre los cambios más evidentes detectables en sangre materna están los incrementos con la edad gestacional de los niveles de calcitriol, de la hormona de crecimiento de origen placentario, del factor de crecimiento similar a la insulina tipo I (IGF-1), de estrógenos, y de prolactina. Tam…

research product

Effects of radiation in accretion regions of classical T Tauri stars

Context. Models and observations indicate that the impact of matter accreting onto the surface of young stars produces regions at the base of accretion columns where optically thin and thick plasma components coexist. Thus, an accurate description of these impacts is necessary to account for the effects of absorption and emission of radiation. Aims. We study the effects of radiation emerging from shock-heated plasma in impact regions on the structure of the pre-shock down-falling material. We investigate whether a significant absorption of radiation occurs and if it leads to a pre-shock heating of the accreting gas. Methods. We developed a radiation hydrodynamics model describing an accreti…

research product

Morphological and biometrical features of Trypanosoma evansi isolates from an outbreak in mainland Spain.

According to several authors, Trypanosoma evansi is a monomorphic trypanosome found exclusively in slender intermediate forms, although additional studies have revealed that many strains present stumpy forms on rare occasions. In a recent T. evansi outbreak in mainland Spain, several atypical forms were observed in blood smear examinations. Molecular procedures were then necessary to confirm the causal agent. Morphological and biometric measures were taken to characterize the different forms of T. evansi. In contrast to published information, the results of this study would indicate that biometrically distinct T. evansi could also be found in the same farm and even in the same animal specie…

research product

Worldwide comparison of ovarian cancer survival: Histological group and stage at diagnosis (CONCORD-2)

Abstract Objective Ovarian cancer comprises several histological groups with widely differing levels of survival. We aimed to explore international variation in survival for each group to help interpret international differences in survival from all ovarian cancers combined. We also examined differences in stage-specific survival. Methods The CONCORD programme is the largest population-based study of global trends in cancer survival, including data from 60 countries for 695,932 women (aged 15–99years) diagnosed with ovarian cancer during 1995–2009. We defined six histological groups: type I epithelial, type II epithelial, germ cell, sex cord-stromal, other specific non-epithelial and non-sp…

research product

Low Energy Gamma Ray Imager (LEGRI)

The Low Energy Gamma Ray Imager (LEGRI) will be one of the three instruments carried by the first MINISAT mission. LEGRI aims to demonstrate the technological feasibility of a new generation of low energy gamma-ray telescopes with imaging, medium resolution spectroscopy and high continuum sensitivity in the 20-200 keV spectral region, based on HgI2 solid state detector technology.

research product

3D YSO accretion shock simulations: a study of the magnetic, chromospheric and stochastic flow effects

AbstractThe structure and dynamics of young stellar object (YSO) accretion shocks depend strongly on the local magnetic field strength and configuration, as well as on the radiative transfer effects responsible for the energy losses. We present the first 3D YSO shock simulations of the interior of the stream, assuming a uniform background magnetic field, a clumpy infalling gas, and an acoustic energy flux flowing at the base of the chromosphere. We study the dynamical evolution and the post-shock structure as a function of the plasma-beta (thermal pressure over magnetic pressure). We find that a strong magnetic field (~hundreds of Gauss) leads to the formation of fibrils in the shocked gas …

research product

Effects of radiation in accretion regions of classical T Tauri stars

Models and observations indicate that the impact of matter accreting onto the surface of young stars produces regions at the base of accretion columns, in which optically thin and thick plasma components coexist. Thus an accurate description of these impacts requires to account for the effects of absorption and emission of radiation. We study the effects of radiation emerging from shock-heated plasma in impact regions on the structure of the pre-shock downfalling material. We investigate if a significant absorption of radiation occurs and if it leads to a pre-shock heating of the accreting gas. We developed a radiation hydrodynamics model describing an accretion column impacting onto the su…

research product

3D numerical modeling of YSO accretion shocks

International audience; The dynamics of YSO accretion shocks is determined by radiative processes as well as the strength and structure of the magnetic field. A quasi-periodic emission signature is theoretically expected to be observed, but observations do not confirm any such pattern. In this work, we assume a uniform background field, in the regime of optically thin energy losses, and we study the multi-dimensional shock evolution in the presence of perturbations, i.e. clumps in the stream and an acoustic energy flux flowing at the base of the chromosphere. We perform 3D MHD simulations using the PLUTO code, modeling locally the impact of the infalling gas onto the chromosphere. We find t…

research product

Upper limit on the diffuse flux of ultrahigh energy tau neutrinos from the Pierre Auger Observatory

The surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory is sensitive to Earth-skimming tau neutrinos that interact in Earth’s crust. Tau leptons from ντ charged-current interactions can emerge and decay in the atmosphere to produce a nearly horizontal shower with a significant electromagnetic component. The data collected between 1 January 2004 and 31 August 2007 are used to place an upper limit on the diffuse flux of ντ at EeV energies. Assuming an E−2ν differential energy spectrum the limit set at 90% C.L. is E2νdNντdEν<1.3×10−7  GeV cm−2 s−1 sr−1 in the energy range 2×1017 eV<E<2×1019  eV.

research product

Non-LTE radiation hydrodynamics in PLUTO

Modeling the dynamics of most astrophysical structures requires an adequate description of the radiation-matter interaction. Several numerical (magneto)hydrodynamics codes were upgraded with a radiation module to fulfill this request. However, those among them that use either the flux-limited diffusion (FLD) or the M1 radiation moment approaches are restricted to the local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). This assumption may be not valid in some astrophysical cases. We present an upgraded version of the LTE radiation-hydrodynamics module implemented in the PLUTO code, originally developed by Kolb et al. (2013), which we have extended to handle non-LTE regimes. Starting from the general freq…

research product

YSO accretion shocks: magnetic, chromospheric or stochastic flow effects can suppress fluctuations of X-ray emission

Context. Theoretical arguments and numerical simulations of radiative shocks produced by the impact of the accreting gas onto young stars predict quasi-periodic oscillations in the emitted radiation. However, observational data do not show evidence of such periodicity. Aims. We investigate whether physically plausible perturbations in the accretion column or in the chromosphere could disrupt the shock structure influencing the observability of the oscillatory behavior. Methods. We performed local 2D magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of an accretion shock impacting a chromosphere, taking optically thin radiation losses and thermal conduction into account. We investigated the effects of seve…

research product

3D Gray Radiative Properties of Accretion Shocks in Young Stellar Objects

International audience; We address the problem of the contribution of radiation to the structure and dynamics of accretion shocks on Young Stellar Objects. Solving the 3D RTE (radiative transfer equation) under our "gray LTE approach", i.e., using appropriate mean opacities computed in local thermodynamic equilibrium, we post-process the 3D MHD (magne-tohydrodynamic) structure of an accretion stream impacting the stellar chromosphere. We find a radiation flux of ten orders of magnitude larger than the accreting energy rate, which is due to a large overestimation of the radiative cooling. A gray LTE radiative transfer approximation is therefore not consistent with the given MHD structure of …

research product

Radiation Magnetohydrodynamic Models and Spectral Signatures of Plasma Flows Accreting onto Classical T Tauri Stars

CTTSs are young stars accreting mass from their circumstellar disks. The material falls into the star at free fall velocity and hits the stellar surface producing shocks, that heat the plasma at few million degrees. In the last twenty years the X-ray and UV observations of these systems have raised several questions. In particular, the observed X-ray luminosity is systematically below the value predicted by theoretical models, and the UV lines show complex profiles which cannot be easily interpreted with current accretion models based only on magnetohydrodynamical effects. To tackle these problems we modeled the structure and the dynamics of the plasma in the impact region using 3D magnetoh…

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