Martin H. Entling

The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agroecosystem services across Europe

Managing agricultural landscapes to support biodiversity and ecosystem services is a key aim of a sustainable agriculture. However, how the spatial arrangement of crop fields and other habitats in landscapes impacts arthropods and their functions is poorly known. Synthesising data from 49 studies (1515 landscapes) across Europe, we examined effects of landscape composition (% habitats) and configuration (edge density) on arthropods in fields and their margins, pest control, pollination and yields. Configuration effects interacted with the proportions of crop and non-crop habitats, and species’ dietary, dispersal and overwintering traits led to contrasting responses to landscape variables. O…

research product

Knowing the Risk: Crickets Distinguish between Spider Predators of Different Size and Commonness

Predators unintentionally release chemical and other cues into their environment that can be used by prey to assess predator presence. Prey organisms can therefore perform specific antipredator behavior to reduce predation risk, which can strongly shape the outcome of trophic interactions. In contrast to aquatic systems, studies on cue-driven antipredator behavior in terrestrial arthropods cover only few species to date. Here, we investigated occurrence and strength of antipredator behavior of the wood cricket Nemobius sylvestris toward cues of 14 syntopic spider species that are potential predators of wood crickets. We used two different behavioral arena experiments to investigate the infl…

research product

Spider cues stimulate feeding, weight gain and survival of crickets

1. To avoid predation, prey often change their behaviour upon encountering cues of predator presence. Such behavioural changes should enhance individual survival, but are likely to be energy-demanding. This should deplete energy reserves of the prey, unless it increases food intake. 2. These hypotheses were studied by conducting two microcosm experiments. In the first, crickets were kept on plants previously occupied by a spider or on control plants. After 3 days leaf consumption and weight gain of the crickets were quantified. In the second experiment, crickets were kept in the presence or absence of spider cues for 3 days. Spiders were then added and predation of the crickets was recorded…

research product

Non-consumptive effects between predators depend on the foraging mode of intraguild prey.

Predator non-consumptive effects (NCE) are a suite of phenotypic responses of prey to avoid predation that cascade down food webs and can have a stronger impact than predation itself. However, the role of NCE in intraguild interactions remains understudied. Thus, multi-species experiments based on species traits are needed to improve our understanding of the impact of NCE on community structure. We investigated NCE of ants on 17 spider species as intraguild prey (8 cursorial and 9 sedentary) to test the influence of spider hunting mode on the strength of NCE. Sedentary spiders select a habitat patch and wait for prey, whereas cursorial spiders roam around searching for prey. Because activel…

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