E. Ahomäki
Effects of endurance training on alkaline protease activities in rat skeletal muscles.
This study aimed at comparing the effects of running and swimming training protocols and the termination of training on the activities of two proteases with alkaline pH-optima (alkaline protease and myofibrillar protease) in the tibialis anterior, soleus, and gastrocnemius muscles of male rats. The training on treadmill decreased the activities of alkaline and myofibrillar proteases by approx. 10-20% in the muscles studied. The activities of both proteases were unchanged in swimming-trained rats. Two weeks after the termination of running training the activity of alkaline protease was increased in gastrocnemius muscle but not in the other muscles. Swimming training increased the activity of…
Protein synthesis and cyclic GMP content in rat cardiac muscle after swimming exercise
Rats were exercised for 6 h by swimming. Phenylalanine incorporation into myocardial proteins was increased when 2 h had elapsed after the termination of exercise. Cyclic GMP concentration did not change during the experiment, which indicates that cyclic GMP does not act directly as a trigger of myocardial protein synthesis in volume overload.
Selected enzyme activities in mouse cardiac muscle during training and terminated training
We studied the effects of running-training, heavy exercise and termination of training on the heart weight, the ratio heart to body weight and the cardiac muscle activities of actomyosin ATPase, citrate synthase, succinate dehydrogenase, cytochrome c oxidase, malate dehydrogenase, adenylate kinase and beta-glucuronidase with adult male NMRI-mice. Stable hypertrophy (6-7%), estimated by the ratio heart or ventricle weight to body weight, was achieved by 28 exercises and it was dependent on the running speed (20 vs. 25 m X min-1). The withdrawal of training for 5-61 days did not permanently decrease the heart weight or the heart to body weight ratio to the level of sedentary controls. The act…